Chapter 1: Talons and Tails

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This begins before the events of the dragonet Prophecy. This is ten years after the war starts.

I sigh, trudging into the prey center. Another dismal day, which only was saved by only one thing: it being over. I grab a few lizards, and sit down near Nautilus, the so called leader of the talons of peace. He gives me a weird look, and says, "You know, and I keep telling you this, but SeaWings are supposed to eat things,  like tuna and shrimp."

I laugh. "Yeah, but I've been eating this since I've gotten here. Plus, I find tuna disgusting."

"Yeah, I know, but still---"

"Still what?" I growl. "For a group of dragons that have a so-called peace movement, you sure have a narrow-minded view of what you call peace. One wrong move, and you'll lose your best doctor."

Nautilus sighs, giving me the most dopey eyes I've ever seen. "I'm surprised you aren't sick; lizards usually make a SeaWing sick."

I sigh, cleaning between my talons. I decide to go to my cave where I can sleep. I get up, and slither outside of the prey center, and bump into a female SandWing. She looks at me, and fidgets a little bit, and averts her amber eyes away from me. So she's painfully shy. She has a neck pouch holding Moons-knows- what, tied together by a piece of mossy vine. Her jaw is rounded, but also protrudes out a bit. She has her horns a bit crooked, as if they were deformed like that from birth, and her wings look a bit small on her, starkly contrasting from my huge wings that I have. And her tail... Yeah, huge poision tail barb, which I stepped on.

"Ack!" I yelp, holding my foot, as I hop to my room. I grab my medical kit, grab the SandWing cactus, and apply it to my foot. Once I liberally put it on my foot, I relax and take a deep breath. I wave my hand, and my wound instantly heals. "That was close." I sigh, relaxing.

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