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I'll give you a short resume cause I stumbled upon my old joint account with my bastardo of a brother :\ I miss that coglione

Name : Raphael Nicolai Esteffano Austin 😑
Nickname : Nic , Fawnzy , Steffan , Raph 😌
Date of Birth : March 20 ,1997 👍
Age : Gave you a date, guess bitch 😩
Occupation : Macho Dancer in the Shower, Stripper in the Bed Room 😉
Extra : Gav's my Latino brother from another father 😱

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Likes : remember the Three S's





I don't fuck with a lot of things cause they take too much energy and waste too much time

Putas that being drama (other accounts had lots, this one's starting to have one too 😕)

Liars (because we used to talk to this bitch who got hit by a car 28 times and is still alive 😇🙏 may God bless your lying ass soul)

Boring ass people (Don't talk to me and be boring then expect me to entertain you because I'm a boring ass bastard. I ain't shitting bricks for you 😌)


For me, talking to boring people is about as much fun as you, trying to shove a sandpaper covered dildo inside your pussy 😗 so please don't or I might just high five your face with a baseball bat and shove some flakka down you esophagus 👉👌

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