Coming Back

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Harry' s POV

It has been a year without Mikayla. Nothing has been the same, the boys has been trying to help, they have been setting me up with other girls, but I can't forget about her. I love her.

Before she disappeared, she wasn't herself. I mean, Mikayla would goof around and laugh like always but I could tell something was wrong. Whenever we were alone I would ask about her behavior, but she would say, everytime, it was nothing. The day she disappeared still haunts me.


"Mikayla! What's taking so long!?" I screamed. It was her birthday, the boys and I were taking her out to eat.

She was in her room getting ready. She was taking a really long time getting ready, longer than usual, usually she just change into skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

After a while, I went up to her room and tried knocking, there was no answered. "Mikayla? Everything's alright in there?" No answer again. I checked if she locked the door, of course she did, but I knew where she hides the key for all of her rooms.

I ran to the bathroom, opening every drawer until I found the key. This is freaking me out, what if she fell and hurt her leg or she fell and was unconscious? I fumbled with the key as I put through the keyhole, after unlocking it, I quickly opened the door. There I saw what I least expected, emptiness. All of her clothes that would be laying on the ground, was gone, pictures, everything. All was left was a note, taped to a teddy bear. This has to be a joke, it has to be.


I love you, but I need to go. I can't take all the blackmail. I'm going to finish school. Someday Harry, I will come back, maybe after the heat cools down. Remember Harry, I really do love more than anything. Tell the boys I'll miss them. I love you.

As Always Love


After reading the note over and over again, I couldn't hold it, my tears flowing down. Blackmail. How come she never told me this. We told each other everything. Was blackmail the reason she was acting weird?

I cried, throwing the pillow in frustration, making it hit a lamp, causing it to fall. The boys came in laughing, probably to check what was the noise, until they saw my expression. Their face harden as they saw the room.

"Harry? What's going on? Where is all of Mikayla's stuff?" Louis asked carefully, not sure what was happening.

I couldn't say, it was too much to say without breaking down, I just pointed to the bear and note.

"Blackmail?" Niall merely said, sounding alarm.

"What could Kay do to make them blackmail her?" Liam wondered, not believing any of this.

"Why would they do this is the question." Zayn said.

Louis stayed quiet. We all knew Mikayla was Louis's partner in crime, best friend, and advise giver. He was probably still trying to process this, as well as I am right now.

"I don't know!" I sob harder, my knees were giving out, I fell on her bed. Today, was her birthday and our one year together. Why did she chose today to leave or leaving at all!

"Let's go look for her. She shouldn't have gone far!" Louis shouted with a expression like was holding everything back.

End of flashback

That day we screamed, called, cried but it didn't work. I locked myself in my room and cried to myself the rest of the day.

It's been a year. If she didn't leave, I would probably give her a promise ring, no, I was going to on her birthday.

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