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I want to go outside

 I want an hour for lunch 

If I have to go to the bathroom I want to get up and go to the bathroom without an explanation or being told to sit back down 

I want my teachers to be paid a decent amount so they can provide for their families and so they can pay off the loans they took out to be teachers

 I want my friends to stop comparing themselves to the "smart people" and calling themselves stupid because they don't understand the material because the way they were taught isn't the best way for them to be taught

 I want to sit where I want

 I want to have actual discussions about how I feel on the matter

 I want to talk to people and have conversations with them longer than half an hour when I get to eat

 I don't want to be told to put my book away

 I don't want to be told to be quiet when I haven't been able to talk to anyone in 3 hours

 I don't want to sit in my seat and be quiet before I can be dismissed 

I don't want to be stressed about writing an essay on a topic I don't understand or enjoy

 I don't want to be worried about my grades or what activities I do for fear I won't get into a good college 

I'm tired of waking up at 6:00 when not even the sun has woken up yet. 

I'm sick of being stuck in a building for 8 hours only learning nothing. 

Going home exhausted and knowing the next day will be exactly the same.  

Please let me go outside whether that is outside the wall of learning or the wall of the building 

.....let me out.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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