a new family member

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You put all the baby's to bed and heard a knock on the door and open the door and found a little skeleton kid outside

You:"hello are you lost?"
Kid:"no i have no home can i live with you?"
You:"sure" *you let him in and showed him where his room is he told you that his name is gaster sans after 2 months* you were watching tv and someone covered your eyes you wondered who it was and tryed to guess but failed many times until you said gaster sans? He was suprised a bit

Gaster sans:"morning".
You:"morning! Are the others awake or still asleep....?"
Gaster sans:"there awake there just changing and ink made this for you".
You:"awwww its so sweet".
Ink:"im glad you like it".
You:*you got scared a bit and laughed* "don't scare me like that my child".
Ink:"heh sorry when are we gonna eat breakfast?"
You:"in a little bit ill go finish cooking and make sure to call your brothers to come and eat kay then i have a surprise for you".
Blueberry:"hi mommy". *he hugs you and you hug him back*
*all of the sanses come downstairs in there new clothes*
You:"you guys look adorable".
All but gaster sans and ink:"thank you mommy".
You:"breakfasts finish, eat up my childs". *you walk upstairs to your bedroom and lay down in the bed for a while then ink and error came in the room*
Both:"mommy can i have a cookie?"
You:"heres a rainbow cookie for ink and a glichy cookie for error,off you go my little ones".
Blueberry:"mommy we're done eating time for the surpise right?"
You:"yes my sweetheart."
Blueberry:"yayy guys time for the surpise".
You:"tell your brothers to wait downstairs".
Blueberry:"okay" *he ran off to tell his brothers*
You:*carrys a basket* "ready close your eyes". *they close there eyes you open the basket* "open your eyes". *they open there eyes and get very happy* all:"PUPPYS!!!!!!!"
You:"don't yell please *giggles*
Gaster sans:"hey mommy thanks this is a great surpise" *he hugs you*
You:"your welcome son"
all:*hugs you*
You:"im going to bed if you guys want anything come to me" *you walk to your room and take a nap then you feel something on your belly you woke up and saw blueberry,sans,ink,and error sleeping on top of you* "awww night my little ones" *you go back to bed. Next day you wake up and find ink and error playing dress up you take out your phone and record them until they saw you* both:"uhhh hi mommy *shocked*"
You:"you guys are adorable anyways we're going shopping get dressed and tell the others".
You:*giggles and gets dressed* "come on time to go".
You:*you spot a little skeleton you adopted him as your own. You finished shopping and all of you got home and eat icecream and cookies*

*next one is coming soon lol*

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