Prince McQueen.

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Today was Wednesday, half way through the week. Only two more days until the weekend where I could stay in the house and be safe from whatever Grace Black had planned for me. I walked through the main entrance into the College building, the bell had already gone for first period and we were a few minutes late. I had resit GCSE English, with Robbie. Jason was the smarter one and he didn't have to resit anything, Robbie didn't have any excuses about why he didn't pass his exam. I did though, I used the fact Robbie was causing trouble in the family at the time of my exams and that's why I got a fail. In reality, I'd been putting up with Robbie's behavior for the majority of my life and it had never effected me - I just was rubbish at English.
"I'll see you both at home," Jason muttered, as he made eye contact with a tall blonde girl that was standing beside the lockers. She was in the sixth form, as she was wearing a denim skirt and a black top which wasn't the school uniform.
"Who's that?" I asked Robbie, not that I was expecting him to know, but it was worth an ask anyway.
"Her name's Holly, she's helping him catch up with missed work apparently," Robbie explained, walking down the corridor while playing on his phone. I glanced backwards, to look at Jason and Holly as he helped her pick a text book up from her locker. I smiled to myself as I watched him fluster. Robbie suddenly stopped at a classroom door and looked through the little rectangular window in the door way. "We're in here," He informed me, as he pushed the door open a little bit. We were just a few minutes late, but it was my first lesson and I didn't want to make a bad impression. Robbie tried to walk straight off and leave me standing at the front of the classroom without a clue where to sit, I grabbed the sleeve on his hoodie.
"What do you think you're doing?" I gasped, pulling him back to me.
"Going to sit with Callum, what do you think I'm doing?" Robbie laughed, pulling his arm back away from me. He carried on walking to the back of the classroom and sat beside one of the boys I seen him with a few days ago.
"Well where am I meant to sit?" I scoffed, following him up to the back of the classroom and standing in front of his and Callum's table.
"Wherever you want," Robbie laughed, nudging Callum to see if he found it as funny as Robbie did. Callum was playing on his phone and not really taking much notice of what was happening in front of him. I sighed in Robbie's face and turned around to see where else in the class was free to sit. Two desks in front and on the left was a seat, beside a dark skinned boy that was wearing a grey hoodie and sitting with a note book and pen in front of him.
"Is anyone sitting here?" I quietly asked, touching the chair that was on his right. The boy looked up and stared at me for a minute. His face looked annoyed that I disturbed him, but them shortly afterwards his face broke into a small smile.
"No," He suddenly said, I took a hold of the back of the chair, sat down and hooked my bag over the back of the chair out the way. "I'm Prince, what's your name?" The boy asked, he sounded shy and intimidated.
"My name's Emily," I laughed, adjusting my seat so I was sitting comfortably.
"Are you new, I've never saw you around here before," Prince asked, now he had actually started the conversation he seem more confident and straight to the point.
"Yeah, only moved in less than a week ago," I explained, grabbing a pen out of my bag.
"I'm fairly new as well, my Mum and my brother moved away from my Dad. What bought you here?" Prince asked, I wasn't too sure what to reply with because I didn't want him knowing the real reason my family had to leave our old town as soon as possible.
"Oh, my Mum's job got relocated so we moved closer," I smiled, to try and make my job more believable.
"Well, I'd show you around if you're up for it?" Prince laughed, I turned around to see if Robbie was paying any attention to me - which he wasn't. Him and Callum looked like they were arguing about something, so I just turned back around to Prince.
"Why not," I giggled playfully.
"Cool! Well there's this club, called 'The Loft' if you want to check it out?" Prince suggested, I felt my stomach churn with nerves.
"I'm only 16, it's nearly my birthday though. I'll have no ID and I'll definitely need it," I hesitated, not really knowing what to say. Even if I said no, he would try and reorganize which stressed me out.
"My cousin, Cleo, I'll take her ID you look quite like her," Prince shrugged, thinking nothing of it. I sat next to him, worrying for a minute but I quickly brushed it off. Prince seemed like a nice boy.
"Go on then, first drinks on you though," I laughed and he clapped his hand together with joy.

Emily Jane Roscoe - Hollyoaks.Where stories live. Discover now