Chapter 10: What? I Like Dream You

Start from the beginning

"Cas!" Dean held Castiel closer to his body in a kind of embrace, then pulled him away, looking into his eyes, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! I should've never left you alone with this thing on the loose!"

Sam stood behind him, a concerned look frozen on his face and his hands on Dean's shoulders, trying to calm him.

"Dean, it's okay," Castiel coughed, "It's not your fault. I was careless and didn't notice him sneak up on me. Don't blame yourself."

A few more concerning comments were made before Sam budded in.

"We'll worry about that later," Sam spoke, "Let's get you somewhere to rest."

Castiel nodded weakly, and Dean got to his feet first before helping Castiel do the same. He let Cas lean onto his side and hold his waist for support as he guided him to the back of the Impala. On the ride back, Dean sat in the back with Castiel to keep him company and make sure he was okay. Most of the trip, Castiel just dozed up, leaning on Dean's shoulder.

"What do you think he dreamed about?" Sam asked, looking into the rearview mirror to get eye contact with his brother.

"I'm not sure," Dean questioned himself the very same thing, "We shouldn't ask him. Wait for him to come to us." Dean stared out the window and it was completely silent for the rest of the duration of the trip back to the bunker.


The Next Night

"Dean?" Dean turned when he heard a knock at his bedroom door followed by his name.

"Yes?" Dean answered.

"Can I come in?" Castiel awkwardly waited in the doorway for his permission.

'Sure, Cas, come on in," Dean chuckled slightly at his shyness.

Cas nodded, making his way to sit on the very edge of the bed, with Dean sitting up against the head board.

"What's up?" Dean questioned once Cas got comfortable.

"Dean, about the Djinn.." Castiel looked down at his hands, which were rubbing together nervously without his command.

Dean noticed this and raised an eyebrow, "What about it, Cas? You can tell me anything."

"Well," Castiel continued, "You were there. So was Sam, even Gabriel. I was only there in the dream world for what felt like a couple of hours."

"You were gone for 3 days, Cas. I kept looking for you," Dean felt guilty, as he did for everything.

"Yea, I know," Castiel continued the staring contest with his shaking hands, "but to me,it was only a matter of hours, and honestly, I loved every second of it."

Dean again, raised his eyebrow, "What was it?"

"Us, Dean. Me and you, with more of a 'profound bond'. I went to get out of the car and you..." Cas looked up from his hands, only to meet gaze with the wall, not daring to look in Dean's direction.

"I, what?" Dean further poked at the fallen angel.

Cas turned to him, and scooted closer to Dean. "This."

Before Dean had time to register, Cas was on top of him. He reached out to caress Dean's face along his jawline before leaning in and pressing their lips together. Dean's eyes widened, and instead of melting to the touch, he gently put his hand on Castiel's chest and scooted him away.

"Cas, I," Dean looked down at hs lap, "I can't do this."

"I understand," Cas looked torn, broken, and turned to leave the room, only to be caught by the wrist. He turned back to look down at the hand gripping him.

"It's not you, Cas, I just," Dean was at a lose for words. At no point did he think Castiel, the awkward fallen angel that didn't know what porn or feelings were, now stood before him, practically confessing his feelings towards their 'profound bond' if they could even still call it that.

Cas pulled back from Dean's hold, and without a word, exited from the room. 

Dean was left there to his own demise; his thoughts. He was still trying to process what just happened, but nothing was clearing up. His stomach felt knotted, his throat was dry and aching. He laid on his back, knees in the air, feet on the bed, with his palms pressed to both eyes.

 I rebelled and I did it -- all of it -- for you.

These words always seemed to haunt him, but now he began to see the progression of him and Castiel's bond. Before getting too deep into thought, he rested his eyes and began to fall into a nightmarish slumber.

Fallen but Not Broken {Destiel}Where stories live. Discover now