Wings - A Demi Harclay Story REVISED OPENING

Start from the beginning

Ooh I know, how about a giant ball of hot coal chasing them down the big hill, over the heath? Then again, they would easily be able to dodge that. Hmm, maybe a dark sludge substance that uses its slime to trap them and tickle my parents so hard that they cry a river, or something along those lines. Both interesting and slightly witty suggestions if I do say so myself. Maybe?

As she giggled softly to herself, Demi saw a shadow out the corner of her eye. Dead silence. She stayed as still as she could be, her jaw tightened and her muscles tensed with anxiety. She seemed to be blinking remarkably loudly all of a sudden and sweating as if she was in a sauna that had overheated, twice! Demi knew that if she was to be caught she would be screamed at, big time! There was a pause of what seemed to be 3 and a half hours in her mind yet only seconds in reality - she prayed hard, then all of a sudden…


Demi knew that sound. The ladder that she kept propped up outside her door must have fallen onto the anonymous figure. This gave her a chance. She quickly packed up her laptop and got her lovely cerise gown on, then stepped outside her door. There lay her father, twisted and crumpled in a heap on the floor with the large steel ladder lying triumphantly on top of him.

‘Dad! Are you ok?’ Demi asked pretending she had just woken up with a fake yawn and then a wink to an imaginary camera as if she was on some kind of bad reality show.

‘Yes I’m fine, help me up’ said the young girl’s dad, mumbling naughty curses and grunting belligerently at the inanimate object.

Demi secretly smiled successfully and helped her father back to his room while he moaned about how the ladder should not have even been left there in the first place and how in the olden days the ladders were much better quality. ‘Stern wooden masterpieces’ he exclaimed. ‘Never once fell on me, never ever, ever. Fine craftsmanship they were not like these stupid things.’ Once Demi had helped her father into his bed she scurried quietly back to her room and switched her laptop back on. As it started to load up Demi closed her eyes and reflected on what had just happened.

Ahh, I was nearly caught then. The Olderlings seem to be onto my ‘oh so clever and witty’ ideas. So I must not continue with these death traps until completely necessary, like, really bored or something like that. For now though, strategic methods to steer the enemy off course like a few dummy Demis.

Another remarkable idea from the world’s most amazing girl

 − Demi.

So… Sexy, that’s my new name for you, just go with it…. I guess I should start by telling you what happened today. Well I can tell you that that Hannah has something coming to her and her Woolarian Mink Jumper straight from Poncy McPonce town...

Wait a sec, the glare from the screen; it seems to be shining right under the door… I could be caught by mother still, I must inspect! I think it’s time for the STI check! Super Teen Inspector! Muh ha ha ha !

Demi jumped off the chair and looked through the keyhole with a smile on her face, but strangely it shortly faded as she didn’t see her hallway; all she could see was a big, round eye looking right back at her.

My Luck.

‘Hello Demi.’

Demi jumped eight feet back into her bed but knew it was useless.

Mrs Harclay strolled through the door and looked at her daughter who was now pretending to be asleep using her new fake snoring routine which consisted of tossing and turning like a tortoise stuck on its back and repeating ‘I am so asleep snuggle-snuggle so definitely asleep snuggle-snuggle’.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2014 ⏰

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