Rule #11

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Brahms' P. O. V.

"... This was all about 'curing' me, am I right? I'm really sorry to disappoint Dad but there's no curing happening in my life." I heard the girl said to what I assume is his father.

Then there was a loud bang from the front door.

"Arnold, what did you just tell Livy? Why did she run away?" The woman hissed.

'Arnold' seemed to be in shock too, "I was just asking her about Adam! I didn't know she would get upset."

The woman sighed angrily and when she was about to take a step, the man grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"I think it's best if we let her, Miranda. I mean, just let her breathe on her own." The old man said calmly.

"You expect me to sit here and just let my only daughter go out there on her own?" She pulled her arm away from the man's grip.

"Miranda, she wouldn't wander too far. Trust me, Olivia just needs to clear her mind. The last thing our daughter wants is to feel that we don't believe her."

The woman was silenced.

I stood up from the floor and moved to my small window. There she is, the girl last night. She seemed lost, like a small bird. Like me.

As I watched the girl cry outside, I noticed the familiar stone she was stepping on.

This can't be happening.

The girl started noticing my tombstone too, as if she heard my thoughts.

Stay calm, Brahms. The girl doesn't know it's your tombstone. Maybe it will scare her off, thinking that somebody died here and was buried underneath those dirt. But she saw you last night! She was threatening you, Brahms. What if she tries to kill me the next time she catches me again? Did you forget? This is YOUR mansion! YOU control everything here. Now that Mother and Father, and even Greta are gone, you are free to do whatever you want! But they wouldn't like me hurting other people. Brahms they don't have to know. But what should I do? I'm just a boy. I say we should make some friends now again, Brahms. It's time we play another game. Isn't it what you want? Playing.

I sighed. I looked at the girl outside again.

Yes, I really want to play.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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