Taking Care Of Laughing Jack

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How To Take Care of LJ!

1. LJ likes candy. Give him candy.
2. LJ's favorite candy is skittles. Give him skittles.
3. LJ likes to rip out spleens and fill them with skittles. Give him skittle filled spleens.
4. DO NOT put Laughing Jack and Laughing Jill with each other. They hate each other. They will fight.
5. Please keep children away from LJ.
6. Do not insult LJ on why he looks like a zebra. He will rip out your spleen and fill it with skittles.
7. If LJ runs off and hides, lure him out with skittles.
8. Before LJ goes to sleep, sing 'Pop Goes The Weasel' to him.
9. LJ's favorite breakfast is milk in a bowl with cereal and skittles.
10. Hide the candy that you bought for yourself. If you don't, LJ will steal your candy and won't give it back.
11. NEVER say that Ronald McDonald is LJ's cousin. He will steal your spleen.
12. If you say that Laughing Jack and Laughing Jill like each other, Laughing Jack will steal your spleen.
13. And finally , hug LJ! He likes hugs!

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