Late Night Walk.

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The moans and screams of pleasure can still be heard, even now that you've sandwiched your head in between the two pillows on your bed. It's absolutely ridiculous.

You had thought that Thatch rejected those girls earlier. He came back alone with you guys then went into his room and not long after, these ridiculous moans reach your ears. Your brows furrowing in irritation as you launch one of the pillows across the room.

You begin to wish that you hadn't even come, that you had told Thatch to go fuck himself right then and there.

"Am I better than your girlfriend~?" The question coming with several loud moans, his as well as hers. Fuck this. Without a seconds hesitation, you spring up from your bed and storm outside onto the balcony, about ready to smash their door down and kill the both of them.

It's one thing to hurt your feelings but it's quite another to disrupt your sleep in the process. Oh yes, you're going to kick some ass now. But you only freeze in your steps when your orbs land on Sabo. 

The blonde rapidly pounding on their door with his fist, his jaw pulled taut and his eyes holding what looks like a flame in them. "WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! PEOPLE ARE TRYNA SLEEP AROUND HERE!!" 

Holy crap, Sabo swore!

He was clearly trying to sleep in the room on the other side of them. The sound of a second door opening catching your attention, your eyes following the sound to find Thatch coming out of the room beside yours. And not the one the moans are coming from. Oh?

The brunette looks very tired, lazily rubbing his eyes as a yawn escapes his lips. Your eyes instinctively looking him up and down in blatant shock since you thought he was in this one and having...encounters.

But judging by the warmth radiating from him and the stiffness in his movements, you'd assume he just rolled out of bed. "What's with all the shouting?" He grumbles lowly, his voice sounding unusually similar to Patrick's from Spongebob Squarepants. 

The door harboring all of the noise finally opening to reveal Marco. Oh God. The blonde's got messy hair but he's still dressed. Kind of. A pajama shirt and boxers, anyway. "If you'd all just let me jerk off to my porn in peace, this would be over a lot quicker yoi!"

The comment managing to stun you, even more so when you notice the tent in his boxers. Oh God. The blonde immediately shutting the door again before the moans continue once more. Poor Sabo cringing as a shiver racks up his spine.

Thatch muttering a simple 'ew' before he strolls back into his room, the realization causing a smile to spread itself across your face though. But it also has you dreading the possibility of him ever getting a girlfriend. 

Why does it even bother me? I should be happy for him!

Since it doesn't seem like you'll be sleeping until Marco's done...pleasuring himself, you decide to put your clothes from earlier on and go for a late night walk. There's woods nearby and you doubt that the boys will be at all interested in them so might as well check them out while you can.

The light of the moon giving the trees a greenish tint, not that it bothers you at all, makes it easier to see where you're going. A soft laugh uncontrollably leaving your lips when you think back to your stupid jealousy before. 

When you think about it now, it becomes clear that those moans didn't sound anything like Thatch and that he would have set someone straight if they assumed you were his girlfriend. A scoff leaving your lips at your own stupidity.

"You need to calm down, [F/n]." You murmur to yourself, stopping in your tracks as you look up to a familiar bush, one in the shape a horse and you're sure you've passed that thing twice already.

Come to think of it, how the hell do I get out of here?

The sound of an owl hooting emerges but coming from directly behind you, the alerting noise causing a sharp gasp to leave your lips as your body spins around to face the tree where the owl now sits. 

Fucking asshole, bird!

Releasing a sigh, you start to walk back the way you came, hoping you'll stumble upon the exit soon. Surely, these woods can't go on forever, right? You just have to keep walking. Your body tensing when you hear a branch snap from behind you. But when you look over your shoulder, nobody is there.

Okay, [F/n]. You're just getting crept out by your own imagination now...relax. Might have been a rabbit or something...

Your eyes falling shut in complete self-hatred when you reach into your pockets to find that you had left your phone in your room, back at the travelodge. The woods ahead looking darker and more foggy as they go on, no signs of exit at all.

I'm so fucked...

Another snap of a twig, this time the noise is coming from right behind you, about a foot or so from your form. Cold sweat beginning to form on your forehead, dampening your hair as you slowly turn your head toward the noise.

Behind you stands a huge man with a lot of outdoorsy clothing, he's wearing a deerstalker hat, a thick coat and a bright red scarf, only his eyes showing and his gloved hand reaching out for you. Out of pure panic, you scream.

Staggering away from him but he only tries to come toward you some more, so out of instinct you run for your fucking life, screams escaping your throat as often as breathes, sprinting as fast as your legs could muster through the woodland, dodging low branches and bushes in the process. run straight into something odd, it's hard but not as hard as a tree, at least. A person? OH GOD, I RAN RIGHT INTO THE CREEP! Your body tensing as you look up at the man, your eyes blurring as terrified tears begin to fill them, you can feel his hands coming up to your shoulders already.

He's going to be one of those creepy hillbillies! I'm going to get fucking murdered out here!

"Pl-Please don't hurt me! I'm just trying to find m--!" Your words falling silent when you realize it's not who you thought it was, this man isn't wearing a deerstalker hat, nor is he wearing a scarf or gloves.

Managing to blink away a few tears, your sights adjust on Thatch. The comforting familiarity causing your heart to flutter as his grip tightens on your shoulders, his eyes filled to the brim with concern. "[F/n]? What are you doing out here? Who were you running from? Who the fuck made you cry?!"

The only response you manage is a pathetically loud sob, your nails clutching onto his jacket tightly as you shuffle closer to the brunette, tears now streaming down your face like a waterfall. "D-Deerhat!" 

Your answer clearly confusing Thatch immensely, his brows knitting together as he glances around the forest. The male pulling you into his chest with one arm as he escorts you along, a torch in his other hand so that he can see where he's going.

"H-He was scary, he tr-tried to grab me and I ran! I-I ran into you!" You sob into Thatch's chest, your body shaking uncontrollably. You've seen far too many horror films to feel at all safe right now, in the movies they stalk their prey all the way back to the hotel and they brutally murder everyone there. "Don't make me go back to my room alone!"

Your voice at this point sounds more like a whale's mating call, Thatch cradling you in his arm as you both exit the woodland, he's clearly got a better sense of direction than you have. "It's alright, you can come to my room and tell me everything. Properly."

I am never going into the woods alone at night ever again!!

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