Chapter Five

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"Elissa!" Calia shouted as she burst into Elissa's room in the dead of night. Elissa sat straight up and felt her heart thudding fast and furiously. "Miss Elissa get out of bed we have to leave!" Darkness seeped into the room and covered everything in a dark daze. Elissa leaped out of bed and grabbed her shawl. She followed Calia down the hallway and into the stable. "Now listen carefully" Calia whispered. "Take the fastest stallion and ride across the Terrasen boarder to Adarlan." Elissa nodded seriously as her lip quivered in fear. "Go find The King of Adarlan and The Crochan Queen" Calia grasped Elissa hand and squeezed. "They will keep you safe" she murmured and planted a kiss on Elissa's forehead. "Stay safe my lady" Calia said and helped Elissa onto the stallion. "What about you?!" Elissa shouted as the horse took off but she was too far away to hear Calia's response.

Night merged into day and day into evening as Elissa rode towards Adarlan. Tears blurred in the corners of her eyes partially from the wind and also from fear. Why did she have to leave in the middle of the night? Where were her parents? thoughts swirled around in Elissa's mind as her stallion whizzed through a green forest. "Faster Fulmine" she whispered into her horses ear and felt the horse responded with kick. "Good good" Elissa pressed with a smile. Light filled Elissa's eyes and she felt herself falling. Ground collided with her body and Elissa moaned in pain. "Well well Miss Elissa" a voice laughed "You're late". Elissa looked up with blurred vision and stared straight into the piercing green eyes of Sam Ashryver.

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