chapter 1 (edited by allhayletheking)

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Hey everyone,

Everyone has heard about the fairytale of the poor man and woman. Woman got sick and is pregnant, she needs some herb, the man steals from the witch and has to give away his first born. It's a sad story but it's actually a little bit the story of my life.

My name is Rapunzel. Yes, my parents named me after the herb. Maybe you noticed but Rapunzel is a girls name and I am a boy, since the last time I checked.

My story begins before I was born. My mother, the queen, was very ill when she was pregnant of me. So my father, the king, went to steal some rapunzel out of the garden of the witch. She is a very scary woman, really, you do not want to mess with her. And if you do she probably just burns you or something like that.

Of course, she busted him and told him that he had to give his firstborn to her, maybe you noticed it, but that would be me. My mother and the rest of the kingdom were slightly in a depression after she took me.

How I ended up in this stupid tower with not even a door in it to go outside. Of course, I have a door for my bedroom and stuff.

I will tell you right now. But you better sit down, it can take some time for me to tell.


So the beginning is written i will try to update regulary ( that will not always work) if you have tips or complains please let me know. Most of the time i will give a respons in a day. I am sorry if there are spellings mistakes.

rapunzel is a boyWhere stories live. Discover now