Savanna Part One

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Savanna Part One

NOTE: This story is not edited, it is being displayed on wattpad to see if there is interest in continuing.

Nothing is ever impossible in savannas eyes, though she was just placed in a situation she has never been in before,

Locked in the Masters wine cellar.

While savanna attempted to wedge, the door open with a stick it had snapped slamming the door shut and as much as savanna pushed and pulled the door wouldnt open.

This isnt even my job! Savanna huffed, you see the chef asked savanna to fetch the evenings wine, savanna was a maid not a chef she had no idea what a cabernet sauvignon even was.

Sitting down on the nearest seat savanna kept thinking she was going to die down here. Huffing she stood and decided since she is down here she may as well explore her new dwellings.

The cellar was cold and even though there were a few lit candles it was still dark and damp. Savanna shivered she had not brought a shall with her. like a light had lit up in her brain Savanna had an idea a brilliant and a might get herself in trouble idea but an idea all the same, Savanna didnt know anything about wine so why not have a sip and see what the fuss is all about. She reached up to the top shelf and grabbed the first bottle it had no label and was caked in dust, she pulled the cork as it came out it made a popping sound she put the bottle opening to her nose and took a big sniff PEW thats stinks why would anyone drink this savanna said to herself oh well bottoms up! Savanna only now realised the mistake she had made as she spits the horrid liquid everywhere, that was absolutely Disgusting! Placing the cork back into the head of the bottle savanna places it back on the shelf. As savanna scanned the next few bottles she comes across the one she was meant to fetch for the chef Cabernet Sauvignon dated 1801 savanna didnt care much for details she just hoped this one tasted a lot better than the last.

Savanna pulled the cork and took a sniff smells okay so she took a more careful sip hmm this is pretty good savanna thought so she took another sip and another and another, by the time she went to take one more sip the bottle was empty and savanna could barely stand Savanna felt light headed and stumbled backwards dropping the bottle it had smashed everywhere, as she fell the only thing that went through her head was The masters going to kill me.

Savanna snuggled up in a warm bed her head was killing her she couldnt remember a thing then it hit her, whos bed was she it she sat up right her eyes adjusting to the light burning through the uncovered window but there are no windows in savannas room. So, where is she?

Hello savanna Wait who said that! who are you? Where am I? savanna was hyperventilating, she had no idea where she was or who was talking as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes she could finally see who the man was, he was handsome orange gold hair strong face concerned eyes, why were they concerned Savanna my name's Alexander do you know where you are? Savanna scanned the room she had no idea where she was or who this man could be Savanna looked at Alexander sheepishly I have no idea sir Alexander chuckled at her bewildered look you are in my bed Savanna you are still in broadshire Im in your what! savanna jumped up startled and ran for the door just before she got there she hit something hard Savanna was waiting to hit the floor but someone had caught her looking up she saw Alexander again umm excuse me I must get back to my duties standing up and straightening her uniform she was about to reach for the door when Alexander stopped her Savanna if you get stuck in the cellar again I would appreciate it if you didnt sample the wine savanna stopped and it had clicked Alexander was the master oh my goodness savanna was in his room she was in his bed savanna stuttered she was bewildered she had no idea what to say Alexandar just stared at her he knew she didnt know who he was he never got around to introducing himself to the staff when he had come back from his travels. Savanna was new and very young maybe in her twentys and she was beautiful long blond hair skinny frame he knew she was going to be a handful ever since he found her drunk and asleep in the cellar.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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