The Tournament: Part 2

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". . . Umm, so he's not going to attack at all?" Hiroyuki asked confused.

"Correct. That is like becoming Judo itself." Ten-kun said in his serious tone. I sweatdrop at this.

"You can't lose here! You can do it, Juuichi-san!" Shun shouted as loud as his little body can allow him.

I look around and I don't hear any other sound. Looking back at Juuichi-san, he looks ready to handle his opponent. The dog spins in place, hooking his right foot. Without time to think, Juuichi-san's large body dances in the air.

Boom, the heavy impact echoes throughout the hall.

". . . He was saved by his opponent's inexperience." Ten-kun said as he watched the match. A win for this one didn't come out as a whole point as the referee declared "Half-point!".

Although the dog hurries into a hold, Juuichi-san stiffens his solid body, making it impossible for the dog to turn him over. Therefore, the referee issues a restraint signal.

"Now Mikazuki has all but cut off any way of retreating. Hm. . . has he resigned himself to losing, or is he just trying to scare the hell out of me?" Ten-kun questioned.

I look over at Hiroyuki in worry. Come on Hiroyuki! Say something! I know you didn't come here just to watch Juuichi-san lose!!!

Looking at Hiroyuki, I see him take a deep breath before. . .

"JUUICHI-SAN!! YOU CAN DO IT!!" Hiroyuki yelled.

Juuichi's immediately turns his face towards Hiroyuki-san. His eyes widen in surprise as if he saw something unbelievable. I smiled at Hiroyuki. Thatta boy!

The match restarts with the referee's call. Juuichi-san suddenly changes from the way he was earlier, and displays a burning fighting spirit by grabbing his opponent.

". . . Hmph, he had me worrying." Ten-kun said with crossed arms.

"Wow, he's acting totally different now!" Shun-san exclaimed with excitement as he hopped up and down.

"Now his chances of losing are slim." Ten-kun said.

When the match resumes and they grapple each other, Juuichi-san quickly takes the offensive. He takes a step forward with his left foot, and grabs his opponent's arm cuffs, making him lose his balance. Without giving the dog a chance to think, Juuichi-san sweeps his right leg.

SLAM! The sound of the dog striking the mat reaches our ears. At the same time, the referee raises his right arm up, declaring Juuichi-san's victory. Hiroyuki, Shun, and me cheered at this.

"Alright! He did it!!!" I cheered.

"Juuichi-san won!" Shun exclaimed happily.

"Yes!" Hiroyuki cheered

He won! I'm happy that I managed to get Kyouji to convince Hiroyuki to come! Hiroyuki literally turn the tides on this match. He got Juuichi-san to get his fighting spirit back!

"That was a decent sweeping leg throw just now. Considering how he's been up until now, I'm pleased he didn't let go." Ten-kun said. Even if one couldn't see it, Ten-kun is actually happy for Juuichi-san, if you took a look at his tail. It was wagging in a happy way like Shun-san's tail was.

Looking back at the finished match, the opponent's shoulders droop, aw... he'll win another time, I'm sure of it!

Juuichi-san offers his hand to help the dog up. Once the dog was up and standing, the two bowed to each other before stepping off the mats diving the match spaces, then bowed again.

"I wonder if this means Mikazuki will put up a good fight.  . . . This should be interesting." Ten-kun said with a glint in his eyes.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Hiroyuki asked confused. I turned towards Ten-kun.

"You are his next opponent aren't you?" I asked Ten-kun.

"Yes." Ten-kun replied with a nod.

"Whaaat?!" Hiroyuki exclaimed in surprise. Ten-kun looks at Hiroyuki with a raised eyebrow.

"Now what? This is an individual competition, it has nothing to do with where you come from." Ten-kun tells Hiroyuki.

"Y-yeah, but. . ." Hiroyuki trailed off.

"It's only determined by a lottery. . . but I wanted to see the finals." Shun-san said with a sad look on his face.

". . . This may be the best stage for this though. If he was defeated by someone else and not be able to face me, I'd instantly give up the match." Ten-kun told Shun-san.

I look over at Hiroyuki to see that he looks conflicted. Does he not know who to support now? As if reading his mind, Ten-kun spoke.

"You should go with your original goal, to support Mikazuki. If you are thinking about how long Mikazuki and I have known each other, don't trouble yourself over it." Ten-kun tells Hiroyuki.

"Besides, I have Shun-Sama and Joshua-san. Compared to you, they are ten times as. . . No, there is no comparison." Ten-kun corrected himself.

"Ten-san, please don't tease Hiroyuki-san too much." Shun-san told Ten-kun.

"As you wish. My body has gotten cold, I'm going downstairs to warm up for a short while." Ten-kun said as he passed me.

As soon as he passed me, I froze as I felt his hand squeeze my ass. I look around quickly to see that nobody saw him do it, not even Hiroyuki and Shun-san. I look back at Ten-kun to see him walking down the stairs with a smirk on his face. Oh. I'm so going to get him for that.

Well! That's it for this chapter! Sorry if it was boring. Comment and Vote!!! Joshu_fox out!!!

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