"This is exactly why I need to keep an eye on you. The delusions may get stronger." Orion taunts but Hunter just chuckles.

○ ○ ○

"Orion North, reporting for duty." He says succinctly to the two men guarding the closed doors that lead into the Crown Prince's chambers. They glance at Hunter. "Hunter North, shadowing me." Orion adds on. With a quick nod affirming that they know he is allowed to enter they open the doors.

Orion strides in and takes note that there are no men standing silently within the room. From Theodore's words he had thought he was joining a team but there are no others present bar the men outside the doors. Two young women turn quickly, eyes wide at the unexpected intrusion to a woman's chambers. One rises from the chaise she had been lounging on and stands before them. Her hair is demurely fastened tightly on her head with no strands hanging down. Despite her young age she appears to be mature in appearance. Her dress is high necked and the sleeves cover her wrists. It is a light grey colour. Among other women she would be easily forgotten.

"I can only assume from your presence here you are the guards assigned to Lady Arabella. May I enquire as to your names?" She speaks finely and with a low, submissive tone. Her light blue eyes study the two men discreetly.

"Orion and Hunter North." Orion replies for both of them. She smiles lightly and glances over her shoulder at the other woman. "How many ladies in waiting does Lady Arabella have?"

"It is just the two of us, Miss Frith here." She elegantly gestures to the woman who still has seen no need to rise from her seat. This woman has copied the modest style of the woman speaking with them but her hair is less severe and she sits as if she has an abundance of confidence. Orion makes a note that she may cause them trouble. "And I, Miss Litt."

"Where is Lady Arabella?"

"She is still abed, sir. The hour was ever so late when she went to bed last night. We thought it was wise to let her sleep a little longer." She answers. Orion misses the look of irritation on Miss Litt's face but Hunter sees and notes it internally.

"The hour is getting increasingly late now and I have been given information that the young Lady is to meet with the Queen for refreshments in just under an hour." Orion points out. Miss Litt acknowledges his words and claps her hands at Miss Frith who appears to be her elder.

"We will wake her and prepare her." She informs the two men before making her way over to one of the closed doors leading off from the room. Miss Frith slowly rises to her feet and follows her. They close the doors securely behind them and the brothers hear the sounds of curtains being pulled back and the low murmur of voices.

"She is still abed?" Hunter asks, his tone low and deep, completely incredulous. Orion shakes his head but not in answer but rather joined disbelief.

"It may make our assignment easier." He comments offhandedly. Hunter just frowns. "Let me guess, you have never known anyone to sleep in to such a late hour?"

"It is a waste of the day. Lady Claire always woke up in the early hours and Sparrow woke up before my brother ever did. I did not think anyone slept in and missed the best part of the day." Hunter replies, surprisingly co-operative answering his brother's questions.

Many minutes pass and Orion watches as his brother strides to the window and looks out. He remains by the door and this is where they are placed when the doors to Lady Arabella's temporary bedroom open. Miss Litt and Miss Frith walk out first. Then the Lady of the hour glides out. Orion bows low and she acknowledges his gesture of respect with a graceful incline of the head.

Hunter turns at the sound of the door closing again and freezes. Electricity crackles through the air as Hunter's gaze meets hers. The sparks erupt between them with such strength that neither of them can ignore it. He forgets to bow and she does not notice the serious look on her ladies faces. Beautiful, long, black silky hair flows down over her bare caramel coloured shoulders, stopping mid-waist against the pale blue fabric of her dress. Large chocolate coloured eyes are unable to draw themselves away from Hunter's dark, almost black irises that are gradually leaking blue. Hunter swallows, stupefied by the beauty of the young woman who has just entered. Her fingers fidget as the electricity warms them. She finds herself stepping towards him. The spell they are under almost completely makes them forget they are not alone.

"May I introduce Orion and Hunter North, my Lady, your personal guards?" Miss Litt softly speaks, her hand gently resting on Lady Arabella's forearm. It breaks her out of her stupor and Hunter remembers to bow low. His eyes avoid hers when he rises.

"It is a pleasure to meet the two men who will do everything they can to guarantee my safety." She says the words that sound rehearsed to all present.

"It is an honour to serve you." Orion replies respectfully. His eyes flick quickly to Hunter. "When you are ready we shall escort you to your appointment with the Queen." He steps back to the door and notes that Hunter understands the silent thoughts and joins him by the door.

Lady Arabella smiles and inclines her head again in gratitude. She turns to Miss Litt. "My hair needs arranging."

"Of course, my Lady." Lady Arabella enters her room once again with Miss Litt on her heels ready to help in any way she can.

"Hunter." Orion utters under his breath. "What just happened?"

"I do not know what you are referring to." Hunter carefully replies. Orion lets it drop. The moment had only lasted a few seconds at most, he could have been mistaken.

Soon enough the women come back into the room. Now the beautiful long black hair has been tamed into a suitable modest style for a betrothed woman of high status. Orion opens the door for her and she glides out into the hall, followed by her two companions and then shadowed by the brothers. Halfway to their destination she speaks again, "His royal highness, Theodore, told me that you have known each other since children and he trusts you with his own life. I would be highly interested to hear of your adventures with my betrothed." She glances back at Orion, her expression hopeful.

"I will do as you wish." Orion replies utterly respectful but lacking of any warmth.

"Thank you." She stops outside the Queen's receiving room. Miss Litt knocks on the door and they wait for the door to open. It does not take long and Lady Arabella is announced to the Queen who rises from her seat and crosses the room, a warm smile on her lips. She clasps Lady Arabella's hands.

"I am so pleased to have your company this afternoon." The Queen pronounces sweetly before looking past Arabella. "Your ladies may have the next few hours to themselves." Both Miss Frith and Miss Litt curtsey and step around Orion and Hunter to go back to their rooms. The Queen raises an eyebrow at Orion. "So you decided to return to us from the mystery mission my son sent you on. It is good to have you back among us."

Thank you for your patience in waiting for this next chapter. If you checked on my profile you will understand why I have not felt like writing recently. I still do not know when my next update will be, but I will write when I can. 

So a few new characters have been introduced ;) there are a few more to come as well! What do you think to Lady Arabella and her two companions? 

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