So I've already failed? Because your face is a train wreck as it is?

Her face was covered in a thick layer of makeup, eyebrows uneven, foundation layered, eyeliner smudged slightly, mascara clumping and concealer way too light for her skin tone. I grabbed the makeup wipes and began wiping away the mess with a polite smile on my face.

"I'll try my best Areum-ssi." By the time I finished wiping away her old makeup, I had lost count of the number of makeup wipes. I let out a breath of relief. She looked a lot better without all that makeup. I began placing primer on her face first.

Areum winced when the cold liquid made contact with her face. "I thought you would be in charge of preparing Hana, I guess they decided you would mess up the main star but I'm so beautiful that there's no way you could mess my beauty up."

Conceited and annoying. Great.

She could at least be a little shameful and humble.

"Hana is great at doing hair and makeup by herself. I told Minwoo to not assign anyone to her since she was capable of it." And she would throw a massive fit if one of your minions touched her hair or face.

Please, I'm not gonna listen to Hana complain about someone messing up her hair or face for the next three months.

"Okay close your mouth for a bit." I commanded, using colour correct to cover up her blemishes and get rid of both dark circles and acne.

She opened her mouth to speak as I was searching for a foundation that matched her skin tone. "Anyway. Are you and Taehyung fighting?" I stopped my actions for a second and completely froze up at the unexpected question. Why was everyone surprising me today? And why do I keep freezing up!

"What makes you say that?" I enquired, not answering her initial question. 

She blinked before answering, her lips slightly curving up in amusement as she knows she had caught me off-guard.

Fighting back a smile, she replied: "you've both been avoiding each other's eyes. Usually he would stare at you every time you're not looking, but today all he's been doing is talking to Minwoo. Which is a surprise because he's always ignoring Minwoo's futile attempts to talk to him. I guess you've been replaced and the old babysitter is no longer needed by his side."

I didn't even reply as she examined my face carefully. I was controlling every facial muscle so I didn't show how much annoyance I felt.

Docile and calm, that was who I was suppose to be. I'm not suppose to be affected by the name of some boy that didn't give two shits about what I wanted or my choice. I never asked him to make my life choices but he did anyway.

"I heard a little birdie heard you two arguing this morning inside the student council room." The Vice President. "Apparently he was yelling at you or something. Most of your fangirls and fanboys weren't too happy about the rumour."

That was when I realised what everyone but Minwoo and  Hana were doing. None of them were even looking at him, or cowering in fear. They were just ignoring him. Sure no one ever looked at him, afraid that he would hurt them, but now they pretended he didn't even exist. They would smile at Minwoo when looking their way but it was only to Minwoo before greasing off Taehyung.

Areum snorted, "I guess the almighty president Sunmi just got her fans to bully the new kid. Poor Kim Taehyung, his little babysitter is the reason for this tragedy."

It's not as bad as a tragedy as your personality.

She continued on. Although I had a deadpan look on my face, I knew she knew that her words were affecting me in a way. "He's so lucky that miss perfect is the one who is ruining his school life right? I heard from my parents that his dad is no good and that he cheated on his wife. That's why they moved here, after his mother abandoned him. Apparently his dad is real messed up, drinking with no job and hanging out at clubs. Maybe Taehyung would take after his dad and —"


Areum's eyes widened as she stopped talking promptly after I had broken the thick wooden brush with sheer force and and slightly cracked the glass foundation.

My eye twitched and I forced a smile on my face as I tightly gripped onto the broken brush. I mustered up a faint giggle, the smile not reaching my eyes, as I said back: "I'm happy he's getting along with Minwoo but I guess he still hasn't gotten along with everyone else. Regarding our fight, I don't think we're fighting at all. Just a friendly disagreement, nothing else. And the class? I'll clarify with everyone and apologise to Taehyung myself for their actions."

I smiled at her, changing it slightly to show her my frightening side. "Also I'll speak on behalf of Taehyung to say this. You shouldn't judge other people's character when yours is worse than everyone else's."

Fuck you Areum.

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