Ushhhhhh, Don't cry

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Crying was her way

A go to

For everything

She cried

When she was sad

When she was happy

When she was afraid

And sometimes simply

Because she was bored

She cried everyday

For a different reason

But atleast a single drop of them

Shared the same reason atlast

The loss of a gracious person

That made her feel unarmed

Not everyone knew the reason behind

She carried a stitched heart

An Old Sack of beautiful memories

Of someone very special to her existence

Crying was a part of her day

That day her tears were unstoppable

They were dangerously dark

Exposing the intensity of

The day that had flipped her life

Her face was thoroughly rinsed

Blemished and still

Something very painful

Haunted her

Nobody understood

Some called her sick

Some said she had a disorder

Some thought she was hypersensitive
to every tiny issue

And some believed she was vulnerable

Only her thickest knew

What had changed her 

How much she loved her daddy

And how badly she missed him every night

Even after years

The grief remained the same

She dreamed of a day

That could change her life again
to ordinary

That could let her sit on his daddy's lap

She prayed for peace

Not for a better life

Which she had lost long ago

Every passing day

Encumbered her living

But she managed

Everything with tears

She was stronger that way

If there could be a day

That could make her smile

Like old times without fear Of the world

That had turned evil and strange
right after she lost him

I would like to be by her side

Seeing her flawless smile

Extending her cheeks

Don't cry girl , everything
Is gonna be okay someday
Stay strong with your tears
Dear bestie !!! What more could I tell?
Let dad be with us ,
He is watching you everyday !!!
Alert your boyfriend :)
Daddy is loving you more everyday!!!
Stop weeping and hit a smile , that's what will make him happy.

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