My stupidity?

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I was broken, I really was. I couldn't hold the tears back, so I decided to talk to someone.
No one was online.
I sighed. I really needed to talk. Suddenly, a friend came online and he said hi.

Me: Hi

Him: So, how r u?

Me: Not ok

Him: What's wrong??

Me: Guess who cheated on me😅

Him: Carlos.

Me: Yup 😭

Him: Jerk. You don't deserve that!

Me: Maybe I do

Him: I would never do that to u.

Me: ???

Him: I like you.

Well, that was fast.

Me: U're joking, right??

Him: Nop. I'm serious ❤️

Me: Look...i Just ended a relationship...I don't feel like that towards u...😕

Him: I know, and I'm not expecting u 2. I just wanted to get this weight out of my chest.

Me: Oh...ok 😅

We didn't talk more than that. Why did he tell me that? All of the sudden? That was just...awkward! He was my best friend, we've had some dirty chats but it was all friend things...omg why me?
I needed to calm myself down - so sleeping is the best way.


Friday. I love Friday, it's when I can be awake for the rest of the night and wake up the next day at 12:00.
I woke up and took a shower whilst talking to my dog. I used to talk to her like she was a person, even better, because she wouldn't judge me.
I got ready. I didn't want to put much make up today, so I picked my eyeliner and painted my water line, got dressed and had breakfast.
My mother came to me.

- What are you doing? - she said with a sleepy voice.

- What? I'm having breakfast. - I said while putting some cereal on my mouth.

- Honey, it's 05:13 a.m, are you ok?

- Yup, I'm just not that sleepy today. - she frowned at my words.

- Not sleepy? That never happens, you love sleeping! - she seemed confused.

- Mom, go to sleep ok? It's fine really, I just wanted to wake up early.- I tried to ensure her.

She mumbled something I couldn't quite get and went to her room.

When I got to school my friends came talk to me. They new about the hole break up thing and they were ready to hear it all. After English, at p.e, I wasn't running like I used to. I was running really fast. Every time I remembered him it made me mad and I would run more and more.

I'm starting to get dizzy.
I might die!
Don't be stupid and dramatic. Just keep on running, they say exercise makes you feel better.

All of the sudden the world stopped, my feet tangled on to each other and my chest hit the floor.

Sh*t that hurt!

It all went blank and I woke up with little slaps. My hole class was looking at me and my p.e teacher was saying my name multiple times. The school's nurse came and brought me to her office. She called my mother, so that she could come to school get me.

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