My Mate is the Player? Chapter Two∆

Start from the beginning

"Xander, Oh my God!" I yell. He laughs even harder. I roll my eyes and pick up my clothes that Xander picked out. He picked high waisted white shorts and a black crop top. Its actually really cute. I quickly put the clothes on, and brush my hair. I go and sit back on his lap because he gestured me to.

"Okay, well no I didn't stop talking you because of that, I just felt unworthy. I don't know why but I did. I just don't know, all I know is I'm happy to be with you now." he slightly and softly kissed my lips. making me smile.

"You aren't unworthy. I like you just the way you are and then you were my best and only friend at the time. Do you want to head to your house now?" I ask Xander tracing my finger over his shirt. He smiles and nods his head standing us up.

"Wait! let me put on some makeup." I say running into the bathroom. He growls and waits by the door as I apply some foundation, mascara, and just a little eye shadow. Once I finish I take his hand in mine and walk downstairs.

"Where do you think you are going?" my dad asks and he clearly looks pissed off. "We are just going to my house to watch a movie sir." Xander says politely. Wait we are? I didn't know that. My dad huffs and stomps off. Wow anger issues much? I think so. He's been like this since I was counting down till my birthday. Maybe he doesn't like the thought of me finding my mate. He's to protective sometimes and it gets way to annoying.

Me and Xander start walking towards his car when we hear snarling. We look around to see what it is. Xander or I don't seem to see anything so we keep walking. That's when something jumps out.


One jumps on my back and bites me. I scream at full force, my shoulder tremendously bleeding and hurts severely bad. It then bites my stomach which was even worse. Screaming in horrifying pain Xander trying to fight off them all is also hurt. Its five against technically one.

They finally get Xander down too. He's screaming but mine is more horrifying. My dad and some of the pack come and chase the rouges off. Some of them jump, bite and kill one of the rouges trying to scare the others and it worked. But right now isnt the time for that. Xander trying to reach my hand slowly working his way over grabs my hand. I don't remember anything after that.

I feel like I'm dying, but soon I blacked out.


I wake up in a room that doesn't look familiar, the room has no people other than one other person on what looks like a hospital bed. To my right I see a boy with bruises and bandaged up just like me. It takes me a minute to realize that who that boy is, its my mate, Xander. I almost let my tear fall seeing him like this but then again I probably look a lot like him. I'm shaking a lot, I lift my hand to see it shaking rapidly.

"Xander," I whisper letting a tear fall down my cheek. His eyes flutter open slowly. "Leah, are you okay? I'm so sorry I tried to fight them off but it was five against one, that was hard I mind linked your dad. He came out within seconds and -Ouch!" he kind of growled. "Don't try to hard, we both look like we've lost a lot of blood." he sighs and nods his head.

"Yeah I know babe, I just wish I could've done more. I wish I could be healed, I could help you. Look princess please don't cry." Xanders words meant a lot. I look into his eyes to only see his eyes turn another shade, he's not lying.

Of course I can trust him right? The big badass jerk, that was a prick, I can trust? That doesn't sound so trustworthy to me. I mean he probably has banged all of the girls at our school, other than me, I chuckle at the thought which makes Xander confused.

"Why are you um laughing? was it something that I said?" Xander asks still confused. I just shake my head.

"Oh its nothing," is all I say. it is something, something about our past that I hated, I dreaded it every moment when I spent time actually thinking bout those things. It was a big mistake that he had done and is trying to fix it now, but it will always and I mean always be burned into our memories. He hurt and broke those girls hearts and every time I saw something like that it would break me down and be crushed, thinking I don't want to be one of those girls someday. Look at me now, I'm his mate. Xander looks at me with a pouty face and quivers his lip on purpose.

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