Chapter 1- Intro

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*Unedited* Grammar errors, misspelling and awkward sentences ahead 



My trainer, Rob, ordered me for the billionth time in the past few hours. I crouched in my wolf form ready to attack my opponent. She did the same and lunged at me. I quickly avoided her claws coming at me and tried to get around her to pin her down. She quickly caught on to what I was doing and next thing I knew she flipped me.

Damn. I whimpered as my back was slammed on the ground. I swear if I wasn't a werewolf I would have a big ugly bruise tomorrow.

"Sil! I've told you a million times, you need to focus!" Rob yelled.

 I am you dick! I took a deep breath to calm my wolf. She was seconds away from clawing his eyes out. Rachel, my opponent got off me letting me get on all fours to stretch my sore muscles.

I'm sorry, it's just... we've been doing this for hours. I'm exhausted, I mind linked him. Times like these I was glad that we could mind link certain thoughts to pack members. Otherwise, my thoughts would get me in trouble. A lot.

"I don't care!" He snapped. "I can't help you unless you give me your one hundred percent effort. I don't know how you're the Alpha's daughter." He said distastefully. 

Was this guy serious? We've been out here from the break of dawn everyday for the past month. Anger boiled through my body. I hated when my efforts weren't recognized and so did my wolf. I wasn't the best fighter but neither was a completely awful. But I guess being the Alpha's daughter came with a price. I had to be more than good. I had to be perfect.

"Let's stop here. Clearly you aren't getting any better anytime soon." Rob told me. I held back a growl. "We'll continue this tomorrow morning same time." He got his stuff together and walked away from the field.

Rachel looked at me with a small smirk and grabbed her backpack with her teeth as she too left. She hasn't really been my biggest fan but I've never done anything to her so I just ignored her hostility towards me. I wasn't known to pick a fight anyway.

Glad to be left alone I too grabbed my bag with my teeth and ran towards the trees to change. I picked a private place to shift so no one could see my bare body and shifted. I put on my clothes and shoes as fast as I could. I didn't want to give anyone a free show. 

That's one of the things I disliked about being a werewolf, nakedness is usually a common state for us. If we didn't bring our clothes with us every time we shifted, well we'd rocking our birthday suit. So it's a pain in the ass to constantly have to bring extra clothes with us.

I grabbed my bag and started walking back to my house, which wasn't really that far from our practice field. I made sure to wave and smile at anyone who made eye contact with me, otherwise I would be considered rude, and being the Alpha's daughter being rude was not acceptable. Spotting my favorite ice cream shop I made a quick stop for a milkshake.

"Welcome to Frozen!" A happy voice greeted me as I entered the store.

"Hey Jason, how are you? Easy day so far?" I asked noticing the place was pretty empty.

"Sil, you look lovely! Yea, it has been. I was wondering when I'd see you again." He replied with a slight flirtatious tone.  I held back an eye roll.

"Yeah training's been intense but I'll survive."

"I'm sure you will, your usual?"

"Please." I smiled politely hoping he wouldn't get any mixed signals. He returned my smile and got to work on my order, which was a plain chocolate milkshake.

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