Part 2

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Part 2 

“Hey, Bro! What’s wrong with you? You’re not looking well to me…” Migs asked him as he saw an expressionless Christian.

“I messed up!” Christian replied.

“Messed up? What did you do this time, Bro?” He asked as he sat beside Christian in one of the benches in the varsity locker room of AAA.

“Yes, I messed up. I kissed my best friend.”

“What? When did we kiss?” Migs joked as he patted Christian’s shoulder brotherly.

“Not you, stupid! It’s Mara. I kissed Mara.” He replied as he grabbed a ball and threw it to Migs.

“If I haven’t known you guys for some time now, I may assume that the kiss happened accidentally, but since I’ve known you two for a very long time now, I would say that the kiss was intentional. You both wanted it, you both liked it.” He replied in a stern tone.

“Intentional? Wanted and liked? C’mon, Bro! She even told me to forget that it ever happened.” He asked confusingly.

“Uggggh! Christian! I thought both of you were smart? Everyone knows you have feelings for each other. Everyone can see those longing and meaningful stares that you give each other. I don’t know if you’re both just too blind to see it or you’re just too stubborn to admit it to yourselves that you’re actually more than just best friends.”

“Are you telling me that I actually stand a chance with her?” He asked and Migs just nodded in response to his best buddies’ question.

That’s it. He made up his mind. He’s gonna tell Mara that he’s in love with her. He won’t hesitate anymore, he’d stop being selfish and start taking the risk. He wants Mara in his life.

He thanked Migs and left to go wherever Mara was.
“Jinjin, Butch, what the hell have I done?“ She said as she sat down in the library while Jinjin and Butch busied themselves making their homework for the next subject.

“Mara, I don’t see any problem with that. So what if you two kissed?” Butch replied as he closed his book, facing his best friend.

“So what? What kind of a question is that, Butch? I’m his best friend, for heaven’s sake!” Mara retorted.

“That’s right. You’re his best friend. It’s just a kiss, it’s not a kiss on the lips, so what’s the big deal?” replied Jinjin.

Mara was silenced.

“Oh no, you guys kissed on the lips?!” Butch and Jinjin asked in unison. “I thought it was just a kiss on the cheek?” Butch followed up.

“Would you keep your voices down? We’re in the library, you know? And people might hear you.” she said.

“Sorry,” they replied.

“I don’t know what to do anymore, Friends. I don’t know how to face him anymore.” She said as she let out a deep sigh.

“Why don’t you just tell him?” Jinjin replied, unknown to them Christian was also in the library, he hid himself behind the shelf near them as he realize that Mara’s with Butch and Jinjin. As much as he didn’t like it he found himself listening to Mara, Jinjin and Butch’s conversation.

“Tell him what, Jinjin?” Mara asked.

*Tell Who? what?” Christian asked himself while listening to their conversation.

“That you’ve always been hopelessly in love with Christian…” She answered with a hint of teasing in her voice

*”Migs is right, Mara loves him.” Christian said to himself.

“And risk our friendship? There’s no way I’m gonna do what you’re telling me.” Mara said.

“But Mara--” Butch was trying to say something when Mara cut him off.

“No, telling him that I’m in love with him will not change anything. Confessing my feelings to him won’t make him my boyfriend and me his girlfriend.“ She said firmly which caused Christian to have the guts to speak and leave his hiding place.

“But we can change that idea of yours.” He said which caught the three friends off guard.

“Christian?!” Mara exclaimed as she almost jumped out from her seat when they heard him speak and saw him approaching them. Silence filled the air, no one even dared to talk.

“Did he hear our conversation?” Mara tried to whisper to Butch who was sitting beside her.

“I do think so, Mara. Now, I guess Jinjin and I will have to leave you and give you some time to talk to each other.” Butch said as he and Jinjin got their books and left.

“Mara…” He spoke her name sweetly.

“Ahh… Christian, I have to get a book for our next subject.” She said and looked down on her books, not wanting to meet his gaze as she stood up and heads to a bookshelf in the library, but Christian held her hands to stop her from going anywhere.

He turned her around so they’d face one another, But Mara decided to keep her gaze on marble floor of the library rather than be lost in his eyes.

“Mara…” He was saying when she cut him off again.

“Christian, do you want to study for our quiz later? I’ll just go and get some books.” She asked as she tries to get away from him but Christian’s grip on her was too strong.

“How about a second kiss instead?” He replied, an evil-ish grin formed on his face and to that Mara lifted her head in shock and looked at him.

Wrong move for Mara, now she was lost in his eyes.

“Christian, didn’t I tell you to just forget what happened?” She said

“How can I forget it when it’s all I could think about? I love you, Mara” He said with all seriousness, which caught Mara totally off guard

“Chhri… Christian?” Mara stammered?

Mara, you’ve always been my best friend. We’ve been together since I can remember. We’ve gone through a lot and we’ll be going through more obstacles. I’m sick of you regarding me only as you’re best friend. It’s not that I don’t want to be your best friend. But now, I’m stepping up, telling you how much I need you in my life. I want to be your boyfriend and you my girlfriend.

“I.. I don’t know what to say” She said in a breaking voice with tears rolling down her eyes.

“But if you’re not yet ready, it’s fine with me. I can wait, even waiting means forever, I’ll wait for you. Just don’t leave me, Mara. You may not talk to me, you can even not look at me or pretend that I don’t exist, just as long as we breathe the same air, as long as I know you’re near, I’ll be happy loving you. Always remember that. But if you really want me to leave you now, just tell me. I’m willing to go.”

“Christian, why would I want the person who accepts me for who and what I am to leave? Why would I want the person who loved me despite my imperfection? Why would I want my best friend to leave? Christian, you know how valuable you are to me, you know how much I value our friendship, just like what you said, we’ve been through a lot and I don’t want to risk it all. I’m not leaving you, Christian. Never.”

“Say that you love me too and you’ll be my girl.” He replied as he pulled her closely to him, leaving their faces inches apart.

“I love you too, Christian.” She said, he smiled and to that he claimed her lips once more, sealing the hope that they’ll be together forever.

Best Friends Turned Lovers (KathBie)Where stories live. Discover now