Chapter 2: The Car Ride

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"No!" I begged Miss Smith. "Don't make me do this! Please!"

She gave an exasperated sigh. "Alvin, I don't want to hear your voice. Not right now, or ever." She turned back to her computer.

Time for Plan B.

Clank! Clank! Bang!

"Wha-?" She turned sharply around. "What is that noise!?"

"Oh, just me simply sitting down Miss Smith." I said, nonchalantly. "No biggie."

She glares at me and then turns back around.

I grab the pencils from my backpack and throw them at the class window.

Clank! Clank! Bang!

Miss Smith just looked at me, and muttered;

"Get out of here."

"If you say so, Miss Smith." I say, grabbing my skateboard and riding out.

As the door closes I hear her shout; "no skating in the halls, Alvin!"

"What? Huh? Can't hear you, speak louder!" I shout back as I'm gliding down the halls on my board, hands behind my back.

I crash into someone. Or should I say, somegirl.

"Aargh!" She mutters, her papers swirling around everywhere.

"Hey, hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" I look at her, It's Brittany. "Brittany!" I shout, irritated. "Watch where you're going!"

"You watch where you're going!" She snaps, grasping in vain for her papers.

They were floating everywhere, and she sighed helplessly.

Derek came up behind me and snagged all the papers that were on the ground and threw them in the air.

"It's snowing!" He snickers.

"Derek, give me those! Those aren't yours!" Brittany jumped up and down, trying to catch her papers.

Derek laughs and runs outside and I'm left alone with her in the hallway.

I blush, "want any help?"

"That would be nice." She says grimly.

I pick up the remaining and hand her her papers.

She takes them without looking at me. I swallow, we really are on bad terms. At first, I thought it was harmless flirting. But then something stopped along the way. It's like she got tired of me, labeling me as immature. She's said it before.

I decide to walk with her, and I pick up my board and stuff it under one arm. "Where are you going?"

"Principal's office." She replies, adjusting the papers.

"What are those?" I ask.

"These?" She asks, gesturing towards the papers. "Just documents. Nothing special."

"You won't believe what I just wriggled out of." I start, in the mood for some bragging.

"What could that possibly be?" I glance at her. Did I hear some sarcasm?

"Just got out of detention from Miss Smith." I say, smugly. "She's so gullible" I snicker, remembering.

Brittany doesn't say anything, and I thought she wasn't going to, when she says;

"Why do you always give her a hard time?"

"Who? Miss Smith? I don't know, it's fun" I shrug. "There are no hard feelings. I think she secretly likes me as her favourite student."

Brittany snorts, "I hope you don't actually believe that junk."

I shrug again, not in the mood.

She stops in front of the office. "Well, this is it. You can't come inside."

I don't know why, I just felt really desperate. "Do you jave a ride home?" I ask, hurriedly.

She looks at me, eyes widening. ""

"I brought my car." I told her. "When you're done you can just come on out, I'll be in the parking lot."

"T-thankyou, Alvin."

"You're welcome." I say, hurriedly walking away.

What was wrong with me?


I walked out of The Principal's office feeling wary. When has Alvin ever offered to give me a ride home, ever?

I walk out to the parking lot, and just like he promised. He was sitting in his car, waiting for me.

I walk over and open the passenger side. His car actually looked and smelled decent. I slide in and close the door.

"Thanks Alvin you really didn't have to do this."

"Eh, no problem." He backs the car up and then speeds up, making me lurch foward. I swallow down the lunch I ate today.

"Must you drive so fast?" I snap, making him glance at me annoyingly.

"Well, yeah." He says. "That's how I drive." I shut my mouth after that. It was lucky enough I was getting a ride, anyway.

We arrived at my tree house in almost no time at all.

"Thanks." I say again, hopping out.

He just shrugs and speeds away.

Okay, goodbye?

I walk into the tree, and Eleanor and Jeanette were watching me suspiciously, with smiles on their faces.

"It's not what it looks like!"

Eleanor bursts out laughing. "Oh, so Alvin just didn't drop you off?"

"Well.." I blush and turn away.

Ooh la, la, Brittany. Anyway, Idk, should I keep going..should I stop heree..? Argh, I'm so confused! Thanks for reading? Baiiz. :)

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