"We have already done this once", I said quietly. "It's just to do the same thing again; right?"
My eyes had started gotten use to the dark, and I could now see enough of her face to see her smile.

"Betty", she said. "You know that we don't have to do anything real. We just have to say we did."

"Oh", was all I could answer, unable to identify the feeling welling up inside of me.

"Have you never played this before?" Veronica asked me curiously. I shook my head.

"I wasn't really invited to this kind of parties when I was little", I explained. Veronica just nodded. Suddenly the closet felt smaller, way to small and I got extremely aware of how close we were standing each other.

"What about you", I said, trying to distract myself. Veronicas smile grew even bigger.

"I was the cool kid you know", she said. "I was the one forcing people in here to make out for real."
The words make out made me laugh nervously. Kissing was one thing, but making out was something else.

"How did you do that?"

"I practically pressed their heads together." We both stood there laughing quietly for a moment. Than Veronica stopped and suddenly the tension in the room were so tense you've could touched it. I chose to keep laughing and ignore it.

"Betty?" Veronica asked softly. I quit laughing to. There wasn't anything to laugh about.

"Mm", I hummed refusing to meet her eyes even than I could feel her gaze on my neck.

"We don't... Hm... We don't have to do anything..."

"I know, you just said that", I interrupted, scared for what might come. Veronica ignored that and kept talking.

"But we can; if you want to." We were both quiet for a moment before I answered. What did she mean?

"That would probably be bad", I said, but a sudden feeling inside of me told me different. And suddenly I understood.
It wasn't for Archie's sake I had wished he wouldn't get picked by the bottle, it was for Veronicas. I didn't want him to kiss her, because that would mean I couldn't.
How long had I had feelings for her but projected them on my best friend? I didn't know. Maybe from the first moment I saw her walk into Pop's. Or from the kiss we under the cheerleader tryouts.

"Yeah, I don't know why I said that." But the tension had changed. It was like the room were electric. She seemed to feel it too because Veronica took a small step towards me. I did the same thing.

"Very bad", I said. My eyes were on her lips and I remembered how soft they had been against mine, and in that moment all I wanted was to feel it again.

"Very, very bad." Veronica did barely have time to complete that sentence before I took the final step and our lips met. I didn't know what had happened. One moment we had just been standing there and the next I was all over her. She didn't seem to mind though, because she answered with the same eager. A buzzing sound started ringing in my head and deleted all of my thoughts.
Our lips were hungry for each other. Veronica had one hand on my back and the other on my hip while both mine were in her hair.
Then her lips left mine. No! Had I done something wrong? I had kissed guys before, but never like this, never a girl, never with this much eager.
But then she started kissing my neck instead. I tried to resist it just to realize I couldn't; so I moaned and tilted my head to the side to expose more of my skin. She accepted and I could feel her smile into the kiss. I would have to if I wasn't too busy biting my lip not to groan in satisfaction. It was hard, and at last I had to give up. The sound came out of my mouth ones more. Maybe I would have cared if there was anyone other than Veronica causing me to, but it wasn't and I didn't care.
Veronica seemed to enjoy the sound because she reworded me with an extra long, pleasant kiss. I could feel her moan against my neck to. I smiled and then had to bite my lip again.
Still with her lips glued to my neck she started walking forward, punching me in front of her. My back hit the wall and she placed her hands on the wall on each side of my head, really pressing herself against me My arms were around her doing the exact same thing.
Veronicas kissed a trail up my neck and chin just so her lips would return back to mine. She came even closer to me, if that was even possible. Our whole bodies were pressed together, hard, but I didn't mind at all. She waited a second to make sure I was okay before she used how close we were by rubbed her body against mine. Once again I failed holding back a moan and reworded her by letting the top of my fingers slowly slide down her spine, making her to shiver and groan in pleasure.
We were now both out air and I pulled back to breath in some new. Veronica gave me a quick peak on my nose tip before putting our foreheads together. Our noses still touched and we were so close I could feel her breath in everyone of my gasps.

"We should have done that before", Veronica said and smiled. I laughed a bit but then got serious.

"What is going to happen now?" I asked. Veronica didn't hesitate for a second and sounded so secure when she answered.

"I am going to help you get rid of my lipstick around your mouth and cover your hickey, and then we are going to walk out of this closet and pretend this never happened."
My body froze and I stared at her. Did she really want me to forget what had happened? Right now that felt impossible.
But then I saw her grin and understood she was just messing with me.

"Haha, very funny", I said, using my hand to try to rub some lipstick of my lips. Veronica couldn't help but giggle. I joined in. We sounded like little schoolgirls.

"Because this can never happen again", I said when I had forced myself to stop. Veronica bit her lip for a moment to make a serious face to. I stared at it like hypnotized.

"Yeah, that would be bad", she agreed. I nodded. She must have seen me looking at her lips because she bit even harder.

"Very very bad", I told her while starting biting my own lip as well. And that time it was her who pressed her lips onto mine.

I kissed a girl {Beronica one shots}Where stories live. Discover now