Before I could open my mouth and say something to Lacey, something drops and makes a crashing noise. Lacey stiffens in my brace and I stand up straight, seeing Lily staring at me with wide eyes. Her already pale face was now even paler; her small body was frozen in place. She didn't move, not even a blink as we stared at each other. Lacey was the first person to move. Lacey stepped out of my reach and ran over to Lily, protecting her. My stomach sank when Lacey said the words I never wanted to hear, "I'll take the beating."

Everything seemed to be spinning and all I could concentrate on was my heartbeat that seemed to be beating out of control. My stomach was uneasy and my hands were shaking. Did I hear Lacey right? Am I hearing things?

What the hell was going on?

"Oops, did something spill?" My eyes dart to my Mom who was staring at the floor. Her smile fades when she looks up and meets my eyes, then looks at Lily and Lacey. None of us moved or said anything as we just stared at each other. It was silent, not a single sound was heard.

My Mom was staring at the two sisters who looked defeated; I was staring at my Mom who kept moving her eyebrows up and down. Something she did when she didn't want to cry, she figured out what had happened. While my Mom was putting all the pieces together, I was trying hard not to fall apart when Lacey's words kept repeating in my head. I'll take the beating, is that what Lacey said to her Mom?

Did Lacey always take Lily's beating? Did Lacey get double the hits? Everything still seemed to be spinning and I felt uneasy. This wasn't okay none of this was okay.

I could never in a million years lay a finger on Lily or Lacey and to have her say those words hurt then anything. It hurt because I know Lacey thought I would hurt them both I would beat them both. All because of a mistake, a mistake that everyone has made. Did Lacey actually think I would hurt them? Did she think I would beat them?

My legs suddenly felt heavy as I fell to the floor, my legs giving out. My knees land on the floor with a loud thud and I can only stare at the counter top with a racing heart. There were tears in my eyes that I had to blink away; it was my turn to be the strong one. I had to take the role now; I needed to be the strong one but could I?

Taking a deep breath, I stood up and faced my Mom. "Mom want to take Lily upstairs? Bring her up to your room and put some cartoons on, I'll bring her soup up after I clean up." I somehow found my voice and it came out calmer than expected but I was glad. My Mom nodded and then walked over to Lily, taking her in her arms and the two disappeared upstairs. I turn around and grab a couple paper towels then walk over to the spilled cup of milk on the floor. Lacey doesn't move so I pick her up and place her on the island. I bend down and start picking up the glass and milk.

Lacey stayed quiet while I cleaned everything up, I would glance up at her every once in awhile and she just stared down at me with a blank expression on her face. I wish I could read her mind to just know what she was thinking.

But that was impossible, just like Lacey sometimes.

After dinner I walk into my room, Lacey following close behind me.

"I called, we can go anytime after 3," I say to Lacey as I drop on my bed, staring at the black screen of my TV. I feel the bed dip and Lacey wraps her hand around mine.

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