then he let and i slowly and carefully got dressed and hissed at the slightest movement as it hurt i had just put my shorts on when calum came back he had aspirin and a glass o water i took both tablets calum i mumble he said yeah i said i think my heads bleeding he got off of the corner of my bed to cheek and indeed it was but loads so he called an ambulance and i said calum no they will ask how i got the head injury and the bruise on my belly and i mumble cuts but i think he heard me as he looked at my wrist he said its okay if they ask i will say that you fell down the stairs and you hit your stomach and head we will cover the cuts with bracelets i will tell them you need them on as its important to you as it was a gift of your parents and sadly they aren't around ere anymore so you think of them as good luck bracelets and you never take them off and just in case where is your foundation i point at my dresser he got it and my brush and covered my arms in it i smile and he gets the bracelets and put them on me then i started to loose concussions and calum said no stay with me nearly crying and then i heard and ambulance and then i passed out. 

calum's point of view  

i like this this girl  in my year her name is khloe sefton but i know she will never like me but its ok i will live i have girls literally  throw themselves at me but i shove them of and tell them to go away cause i only like one girl khlo we have had a lessons english and she again sat behind me and i smiled at her in that lesson and i swear i seen he blush but she shly waved back at me  together today and it is now time to maths where i'm walking and when i get there i know khloe will already be there as she is always early i walked in the room to see khlo sitting in her seat early as always i smiled at her then went and sat  in my seat right in front of khloe  i'm 5 minutes early so i just get my phone out and go on it till the bell goes  

5 mins later 

the bell has just went and i put my phone away just as everyone came into the room and that's when i notice there's a work sheet in front of us then the teacher does roll call and then he says ok guys today you are just doing this sheet an once your done then bring the sheet up to me and i will check it and then the rest of the lesson can be a free period i started the sheet a few seconds later i turn to see khlo has done like half the sheet so i pretend to start mess about and slipped her my number then got back on with the sheet 

5 minutes later    

khloe just finished the sheet and grabbed her stuff and put everything in her bag put the sheet on the teachers desk and walked out i quickly finshed the last question grabbed my stuff and handed in my paper and walked out of class khlo was half way down the hall so i shouted her and she stopped and turned around i smiled and jogged over to her and said hi she said hi and said whats up i said nothing i was just wondering where you go on your free periods so she says Starbucks and i said mind if i come and she said no and i said ok and we walked to Starbucks and she ordered a caramel skinny latte and a donuts and then as she was about to pay  i did instead and i ordered mine and paid an then once we got our stuff we sat down and she said you didn't have to pay for mine you know its fine i could have i said but i wanted too so i smiled and thanked him then we sat there an talked and i told her that i actually loved all the sports i'm  captain of and that i like a girl in our grade and said that i hates the way girls won't leave me alone she just smiled and said  there all over you cause they want you to fuck them and   ya know you don't want to and they won't stop till they got what you want i said i know but i don't like them like that and they really need to leave me alone as i don't like them in anyway at all and they're all slags they've slept with nearly every boy in school more than once so yeah i don't want them in that way at all and they all need to go and jump as i don't give one about them and your not like them your smart and beautiful and shy and quite and just like to keep to your self and i like that she smiled and says thanks but i'm none of that yeah i keep to myself cause no one likes me and i'm not that smart and i'm shy yes but not beautiful i'm ugly but yeah thank you anyway i said that's not true your beautiful she sighed and says thanks but then she mumble i'm not and then we go back to school and when we get there i go to my locker and get what i need  

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