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7 Years ago, The Kingdom of Karasuno.

"Again, again!" The sound of giggling filled the air as the little girl was lowered back to the ground.

"Oh I don't know (Y/n), your mum looks like she's just lost 10 years of her life." The tall male joked.

The little girl whined, "But Aki I wanna do it again! I love the f-feeling I get when you l-lift me up and sp-spin me around, it f-feels almost like, like, I feel like that black birdy that I always see around!"
"(Y/n), that's a crow dear, remember that's the animal that represents our kingdom, you should do your best to remember that." The (h/c) woman rocked in her chair, sticking her needle through the lace and pulling it out again, adding another stitch to her work.

"Ah so you like flying huh." The blonde joked picking her back up and throwing her in the air and catching her earning an overjoyed sequel from the girl and a panicked squeak from her mother.

"A-Akiteru, I think it's time for (Y/n)'s nap now, don't you think?" (M/n) put aside her needle work and walked over to the two picking up (Y/n).

"Ah yes of course, will you be right to take her to her room?" Akiteru opened the heavy wooden door that lead inside and held it open for the pair.

"I should be fine, thank you though, you are dismissed for the rest of the night." She walked away leaving the male to close the door behind her and go back to his duties. "(Y/n) sweetie, did you have fun with Akiteru today?"

(Y/n) let out a yawn and nodded, "Aki is the best k-knight in the w-whole world cause he p-plays with me all the time." Because (Y/n) is so young she has a hard time spitting out her words and often finds herself stuttering them out. However over time she hopes that she will be able to speak without stuttering as do her parents because they feel as though she would be looked down upon in the future and wouldn't be taken seriously if she stuttered all the time.

"Well that's good to hear." (M/n) said as she laid her down on the comfy double bed and covered her over with the light orange blanket that spread out across her bed. Kissing her head she walked over to the door and turned the light out, a sad smile spread across her face as she gave one last look to her sleeping daughter. Closing the door she locked it with the key that hung around her neck and scurried down the hall and up the flight of polished, marble staircase, that had a deep orange rug rolled down the middle.

Panting (M/n) skidded to a stop in front of a large dark double door. Knocking twice she opened the doors and entered in fixing the silver tiara on her head. Her light orange cape flew out behind her as she stalked up to the man sitting on the golden throne with orangey-red padding. The room was large with a high ceiling which had a painted cherry blossom trees on it. Light orange silk banners hung around the room with black crows sewn on them. A large wooden table lay in the middle. Surrounding the table was various Lord and Ladies as well as high ranking soldiers, strategist and the knights the served the royal family personally, just as Akiteru did.

"She's asleep." She spoke gaining a relieved sigh from the man, who gestured to an identical chair next to him. Taking her seat she met the eyes of the other people in the room giving a quick nod to Akiteru who was now clad in black armor.

"Shall we begin," The man from the chair spoke, standing up and walking forwards a bit, "Ukai the updated report please."

The grey haired man nodded, stepping forwards closer to the table covered in maps, small figures and papers of all sort. "The scouts came back today and reported that they had spotted the enemy here," he pointed to a spot on the map, "which is about a day's ride from here. I suggested that we gather the army and begin the march towards them, so that we can avoid as much damage to the kingdom as possible."

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