Donor-Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"Hey stranger!" Selena scurries up to my side as Harry and I stroll through the hospital halls. "It's been hard to get up with you, girl!"

I stop and embrace her tightly, rambling a series of blabbering greetings to her. "Yeah, I'm so sorry. It's been really crazy."

"So are you doing okay? What's he saying? He won't tell me a thing, apparently it's classified now." She bursts, sputtering off questions. I run my tongue over my lips, glancing for Harry for the words I'm lacking.

"He won't tell us much besides the cancer spots and that today is for trying to find a donor," He speaks up, side-hugging Selena. They've become pretty close friends with both of their relationships to me.

"I'm so sorry, Tay. Don't worry, I'll do some side work on moving your name up the list. I'll do all I can." She hugs me again tightly. I feel like I should say something but nothing escapes my throat and I'm left with a nod that also prevents tears from falling out. Why they're threatening is a question in itself.

I manage a, "Thanks Selena, it-um- m-means a lot to me."

She smiles sympathetically before excusing herself to check up on a patient before she gets yelled at by Gia. Harry and I quietly continue onto the checkup room. Rita sits with her one leg crossed over the other, typing away at the small laptop. She smiles as we enter.

"Taylor, Harry, nice to see you again. How are you?" She says warmly. Why does everyone ask that? I mean I know it's custom but can they not see by our lackluster expressions how we're doing. Do they not know what's happening in our lives right now? It just irks me that they won't just continue on without asking. Harry must notice that I'm a little caught up in my thoughts because he fills the short silence.

"About as good as we can be in this situation," He says without a hint of arrogance that would be stinging at mine if I had said it. She nods understandingly and glances to the side at us.

"I know, it's tough, right? My mom passed away of breast cancer when I was little and I just thought the worst of it ever since. But we're going to find you a donor before this thing can get out of control, I have a few possible donors right here," She motions us over to behind the computer. On the screen is a picture of at least five tiny pictures with sections of writing below. I squint to attempt to read them when Rita enlarges the first one, bringing up a young girl with bright blue eyes and dark hair.

'Amanda Clayborne; 16 years old. Passed away in a motorcycling accident on the way to her boyfriends graduation. It was raining which caused the car to hydroplane and slide head first into the median, totaling the car and taking Amanda's life. She took the iniative to be a donor by herself by checking it off on her drivers license which she had only gotten a few weeks before. Her parents consist of Vera and her late husband Thomas who resides next to her husbands' grave in Concept Creek. Her parents had said that she was a lovely girl with enough personality for half her school. Her school scheduled a full page to her in the year where she was awarded Best Smile.'

The breath I was holding expels from my chest which immediately refills with regret. Taking life from her seems unfair, even if hers is over.

"The only thing about Amanda is that she's a little under your size, here's Jason Thompson." She enters a series of clicks and pulls up another screen which shows a young man with a small afro just peaking from beneath a snapback. A bright smile lighting up his brazen eyes. He looks so full of life in this picture. I trail my gaze down to where the copy is and begin to skim it.

His friends called him JT. He was 19, only a year younger than me. He worked at a surf shop on the far side of California sweeping up after hours to pay his way to college. He had a hard life providing for his 4 other brothers, single mother and little sister only at the age of 3. He went out a little too far on a stormy night to catch some waves that were too big for anyone else's tastes. He got caught under one and just couldn't come up without chugging down water from another massive wave. He drowned before lifeguards could reach him and was returned back to his family where they made the decision to donate. He had never bothered to get a drivers license because he knew that his family couldn't afford a car. The only thing his friends could manage to say about him is that he was the nicest guy they'd ever met.

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