Chapter 9:I Love You

Start from the beginning

Magnus's POV

  I sit at my desk trying to translate an old script for a client from an ancient demonic language into English. I put it down and ran a hand through my hair. I was wearing on of the only black warlock cloaks I owned because to be honest it was quite comfortable, I had no makeup on or glitter. it was getting quite late and I still haven't heard from Alec, he left in such a hurry this morning that it must have been important, he must just be tired and sleeping at the institute. He also told me he loved me this morning, it had shocked me at first because he isn't usually the one to start things, but I loved him back and I was shocked by it. We've only been together for three months now but I really do love Alexander. Suddenly a bright flame ignited in front of me, gosh people and their fire messages. I grabbed the piece of paper and started to read.

  Dear warlock Bane,

I am here to inform you that a shadowhunter that goes by the name Alec Has been gravely hurt by a greater demon and we would like for you to come to the institute to heal him...

  I stopped  reading after that, my Alec, gravely hurt. I sprinted out of my apartment and ran towards the institute. I was there in record time and I beat on the door and screamed. "SOMEONE OPEN THIS DOOR, ITS MAGNUS, QUICKLY" The door flew open to show a tear and blood covered Isabelle. She quickly reached for my hand and pulled me to the infirmary. We reached the infirmary and laying in one of the white beds(now stained with blood)was a even paler than usual Alec, his hair was pasted to his forehead with blood and sweat, his shadowhunting gear torn in places to show bleeding skin. I rushed to his side and ran my hands over his head and torso to see what had happened. He had large amounts of demon poison in him and will surely die if I don't get to work quick. I turned him over on his side and saw a large gash in the back of his neck. I ran my hands over it to close it up before I began to extract the demon poison. Blue sparks danced off of my hands and slowly his skin started to paste back together, like I was stitching it, but magic was a lot more efficient than stitches. Once it was completely closed up I moved my hand to his wrist and closed my hand around it, using my magic to dissolve the poison into nothing. This was definitely one of the worse cases of demon poisoning I have seen in a long time, it being Alec just hurt me more. His eyes filtered open, shit he's not supposed to be awake yet. He screamed in pain, clutching the blood stained sheets below him. I couldn't stand to heal him and have him screaming in pain as I do so, so I held my palm over his forehead and let yellow sparks fly out, putting him to sleep. I grabbed his wrist again and started to dissolve the poison again. I slowly started to lose consciousness, no not now, not while Alec is in pain, my magic was draining I didn't know how long I could keep this up. I checked on the process of the demon poison and to see how far or close it was to his heart, if it reached his heart his entire body will shut down. It was only minutes away from killing him so I had to work fast. I poured every bit of magic I had left in Me into Alec. After an hour and a half the poison was gone but so was he.

  I checked his pulse and there was nothing. I was too late, I couldn't save him and I hated myself for that. I grabbed his hand and laced my fingers with his and brought it up to my face. I kissed his hand and kept it there, I let a tear fall down my cheek and soon I was sobbing muttering his name over and over. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, please don't be dead" I sobbed again. "I love you, I love you more than anyone else in all my years of living, you have changed my life for the best and  I can never thank you enough for that."

Alec's POV
  Everything was dark, then a light showed up. I noticed that I was no longer hurt and there was no pain. Something was pulling me towards that light and I ran to it. I reached a place that looked like a white alleyway and there was no one there. "Do you wish to live back on earth, or die and leave your life" a high pitched voice sang out.

  "Who are you? show yourself."

  "Oh Alexander, that is not important but you still didn't answer my question." I actually had to think about this for a moment. Any normal person would choose life but I didn't even know if I wanted to go back, I was fully closeted and no one knew me very well. But Magnus. He was back on earth and I loved him more than anything else and I couldn't just leave him like that. "Life, I choose life" I responded to the voice.

  "Very well" it sang out again and then everything was dark again. Suddenly I felt a hot pain through my spine and I heard sobbing and voices. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, please don't be dead, I love you, I love you more than anyone else in all my years of living, you have changed my life for the best and I can never thank you enough for that" The voice obviously belonged to Magnus, I knew it would an him anytime, and he was sobbing into my hand. If he wasn't talking I wouldn't have even recognized him because he was dressed so plain in a black warlock cloak. I shifted and winced, I was in so much pain. My sudden movement had caused Magnus to jerk his head up. I could see his face clearly now, his cheeks were stained with dry tears, his eyes were red and puffy, his lips were chapted. He reached his hand out to stroke my cheek, "Alec, your alive, you alive" he grinned at this. He leaned forward and wrapped his hands around me, he started to whisper into my ear, still sobbing a bit. "Alec, I was sure you were dead, I couldn't live with myself if you were dead."

  "Magnus I could hear what you were saying, I love you, I love you so, so much, that's why I lived because I wanted to stay with you, here. I know it seems early for me to say this but I'm sure of it, I don't want to ever be with anyone else because I love you and only you, Magnus." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes, they were still red and some tears still escaped. I cupped his face with my hand, I used the pad of my thumb to wipe away his tears.  we were face to face and I could feel his breath on my skin, I could feel the heat he gave off. I leaned in and kissed him, as passionately as I could to show that I love him. He kissed back and we stood there for quite some time until he was the one to pull away. "Don't you think we should tell your siblings that your okay" I nodded in agreement and he got up and walked to the door, he had some difficulty standing and walking. I offered to help him but he denied saying that he was just drained. He opened the door and called out for my siblings to come in. Isabelle rushed in first and ran to me and pulled me into a gentle hug. "Alec, you idiot you had me scared to death" she said into my shoulder.

  "Hey, what about me" Jace said with his same cocky attitude. He walked over to me and hugged me in a similar way to Isabelle.

  "Well I hate to interrupt but can I stay here for the night, I am incredibly drained and I struggled just to get to this door, how do you expect me to get back to my apartment?" Magnus said from his spot besides the door, he was holding onto the handle for support.

  "Yes Magnus" Isabelle replied to him in a soft voice not taking her eyes off me. "Me and Jace should get going, you two both need your rest" and with that Jace and Isabelle walked out of the room leavening me and Magnus. He walked to me with and sat down on the bed I was laying on. "You think this will fit the both of us?" I scooted over and he laid down. The bed was large enough to hold us both width wise, but Magnus was so tall his feet still hung off the edge along with my own. He laid his head on the pillow and and looked at me with kind eyes. "I love you, Alec."

  "I love you too." we shared one last kiss before we both drifted off to sleep.

Isabelle's POV
  I used my stele to look through the wall at Magnus and Alec. This wasn't spying trust me, I was simply observing. They had exchanged "I love you's" and kissed one more time before they both went to sleep. My brother was finally happy.

Idea's, corrections, suggestions?, comment them please. And I would like to tell you my sort of schedule for this fanfic. I plan on updating every one or two weeks. I will always have a chapter every week or two and if I don't I assure you I have a good excuse, it will not be something like "I had writers block" no that will never be it, (because even if it's really short you will always have a new chapter)but something that has been taking up my time at the moment. And another thing, as you can see I take some scenes from the books(usually the mortal instruments but sometimes the bane chronicles too) and change them a bit, this will happen a lot for a majority of the chapters and if I end up writing this for a long time, don't worry what ever happens in city of heavenly fire(I'm pretty sure alec is going die, I DON'T WANT HIM TO) you can come back here and there will be a happy ending to malec waiting for you(what can I say I'm a sucker for happy endings) Well thanks for reading, stay awesome

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