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___ P. O. V

"Mom, Dad pleeaase I really wanna go" I begged

"noo! Anything could happen to you and no elders are coming" mom said

"Mom! I'm not a six year old anymore!plus stampy is 18!" I complained

" No___ you are not going!" Dad said sitting on chair next to Mom

"But its not just me, Jemma is coming Lizzie, Joel and Stampy are coming...... Dan is coming" you protested

Your Mom and Dad look at each other and nod

"ok...give us some time and we'll think about it"mom says kindly

Jem and Lizzie invited me to a camping trip with Dan, Joel and Stampy and I really wanted to go...

....cause Dan was coming too

I blush slightly at the thought of Dan. His gorgeous blue hair and his blue eyes just seemed to make my heart flutter


"ok we've decided that we're letting you go to the trip only because the boys are elder" mom said

"Moooom I AM NOT A SIX YEAR OLD!" I complained

"but you're also not legally an adult..."
Awkward...but who cares.... I'm going wooooo

"And how do you get along with the older guys?" mom said making me feel more awkward

There was a camping site on the outskirts of town...that's where we are going

Jem said she'll be bringing the tent with her so I guess I just needed clothes and other stuff like that

I pack stuff like track pants and comfortable shirts that I like (any clothes of your choice)

I'm finally done packing my rucksack and remember to keep a small bag for emergency stuff to carry just in case something happens.

When I'm done packing, I realize that there is another week to the trip. I couldn't help it! I'm just so excited to hang out with Dan (and frens)

I text Jem and Lizzie in a group text we made for the trip:

___:Guys Guys Guys Ive confirmed that I'm gonna come for the trip
Lizzie: really?! Omg yes
Jem:(^o^) yay!
Dan: awesome more ppl means more fun
Joel: tru tru
Stampy: k so im the eldest of you all so anything you do,i get busted
___: chill stampy we're not kids anymore B-)

I'm just excited to hang out for a few days with these derps :-P


First x reader fanfic

I hope ppl like it

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