Dear Myracle: Family Heritage and Birthday

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Okay, so I'm so so so so sorry, I just had heavy writers block and I'm having lots of tests so, I'm studying all I can! _._ Well this is letter two, sorry if it doesn't make sense, it does to me!


Dear Myracle,

Happy birthday, sis. Oh, how I wish I was with you. I wish we were with you. Our parents would'vve gone to Debenhams and buy you the most expensive dress and the most prettiest. You would end up being the fairest of all. Then I would bake you the most delicious chocolate cake with strawberry for decoration and lots and lots of chocolate icing, I would write (in my most neatest handwriting) that we all love you!

I wish you could read this now, but too bad your only one. However, there's nothing stopping me from still writing you letters!

I can hear rustling, right now and murmurs of voices,  I can't detect any signs of moving, so that means I stil have a little bit more time. I do hope you don't wake up, you have strong lungs and you would have to be a fool to not hear your windpipes.

Anyways, I hope you are not troubling your caretaker or foster parents with your unsatisfyable lust for food!

Myracle, I'm wondering right now, how you'll turn out to be. Will you be disobediant, like I was? I hope not! Will you be bitter with your words? Will you be more helpful, then I ever was?  I hope all the good qualities apply to you, when your older.

Please, I request of you, don't be sharp-tongued, sloppy, cheeky, mischevious, unhelpful, bitter-hearted and unworthy of your opponants, like I was. I hope in time,  that in time, even if you are like that, you realize the error of your ways, and not too little too late, like me.

I hope that you turn out like a bright sunshine, open minded, unjudging, selfless, caring, put others before your wants and needs and most importantly, I hope you end up being the most successful person, in the whole wide world.

Don't think of all these as a burden to your shoulders, because those really weren't my intentions.I'm just bascially putting my dreams and hopes through you.

Moving on, I should probably tell you your family background. Since that that's the least I can do for you.

You were born a Stones. But I've registered you as Frost, so that you won't be ever hunted down, for your past. The Stone's family heritage goes all the way back to the Tudor era. Yes. Our ancestors had met the plump Henry the 8th, dined with Queen Mary and served Queen Elizabeth. (Queen Elizabeth was a right pain in the bottoms! That's what I'd heard from our parents!)

They have met many royals, our family has...

The Stones come from North Cambridge, along the rich lines of the bay. We carry ourselves with great pride and honour, we have eternal loyalty to those who've helped us, its in our blood to do so.

It happens to be so, is that we are related to the Royal Victorians. I'm not joking. Our great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Annie, was the illegitmate child from a secret affair, between Prince Albert and Annie's mother. Therefore we are half-royalty, but shhh, no one needs to know of this.

Our lots-of-great grandmother was kept a secret though, why tell such a disastrous secret to anyone? Prince Albert would've denied any knowledge or refuse any blood relations between the two, if Annie did step forward and say that she was also royalty. However, Prince Albert lavished her with gifts from foreign countries and horses from all around the world, that you'd think she was the off spring of a duke or a countess!

He never made an appearance in her life, though, which was terribly  depressing for Annie, she had never seen the father figure that she needed all throughout her life and she eventually stopped wishing for him to come and see her. Quite sad, really.

Crazy to think that our blood-line has come so far! But, we are all dying out and I plead you to carry on our legacy . (Mother said that we had relations up north, so maybe you'll be able to live with them!)

I have great sorrow that I shall not be celebrating your first day of pre-school, your first birthday where you'll have double digits, mess up your hair on picture day, there's going to be so many events that I will miss!

I hope you find, some day in your heart, some will to forgive me!

But remember, I'll always be deep inside your chest.

Your heart...


A small baby cry was heard and it was intensifying enough to wake up the person next to her.

"Happy birthday, princess."

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So yeah, I'll upload Born To Die, when I finish atleast two chapters of Dear Myracle. :P- ImDahMidgitxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2012 ⏰

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