"Oh my god! Did I kill him?" She exclaims as she drops the gun to the floor.

"You killed him!" The other man with curlyish black hair exclaims in horror.

I rush over to her quickly.

"You did not kill him, you're a horrible shot," I say playfully.

"She did just save your life," the curly black haired man says.

"And who are you?" I snap at him as he walks up behind Felicity.

"That's Curtis," Felicity says. "He works-"

"Watch out!" Curtis exclaims and I look to my side to see two cards flying through the air, one flying towards Curtis and the other one straight towards Felicity.

I quickly jump in front of them and push them backwards. I feel the cards impale my back, one in each shoulder blade. I let out a groan of pain as I dive to the floor and grab the gun Felicity had dropped. I roll on my side, digging the card in my left shoulder farther in but giving me the opportunity to shoot the man in the leg. He falls to the floor and I pull myself up off the ground. When I look up to where he was, he's gone, only smeared blood left where he was standing.

I groan as I grip the table beside me, barely managing to stand. I hear Felicity call someone before rushing to my aid. She tries to talk to me but I can't make out what she is saying for all I can hear is a ringing in my ears as my pain takes over my body and I crumple to the floor. Black dots frame my vision as a dizziness ensures itself in my head. I don't know how much time passes but eventually the elevator dings and a bunch of people rush in.

"Carson?!" I hear Roy's worried voice call to me.

"Hey, Harper," I gasp out. "Can you, can you," I groan in pain.

"What can I do?" He asks frantically.

"Pull," I gasp. "Them," I groan as I barely cling to consciousness. "Out,"

"Are you sure?" He asks hesitantly.

"Do it," I growl.

I hiss as I feel his hand on one of the cards. I let out a groan as he yanks the left one out and a whimper as he pulls the right one out. I take a deep breath before rolling on to my back. I grimace slightly at the pressure on my wounds but sigh in relief as the bleeding slows.

"You okay?" Roy asks as he gently brushes my hair out of my face.

"Eh, I've been through worse," I say with a smile.

He rolls his eyes at me before helping me up. Very slowly, we make our way over to Oliver, Felicity and Laurel. Felicity puts some gauze on my wounds and applies some ointment to the cut on my face.

"Who the hell was that guy?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but he was definitely a meta, I'll call Barry and see if he knows anything," Felicity says.

"Barry Allen?" I question and they all look at me uncertainty. "As in the fastest man alive?"

"How do you-" Oliver begins but I cut him off.

"Its a long story and frankly, I want to go to bed," I say and begin to head towards the elevator.

"You're gonna need stitches," Oliver calls after me.

"Yeah yeah," I grumble as I walk into the elevator, Laurel following me.

I make eye contact with Felicity and she mouths a thank you and I smile at her. My eyes shift to Roy's and he winks at me, I'm beginning to think its his trademark. I roll my eyes as the elevator doors close.

Laurel clears her throat and I look at her.

"What?" I ask her, annoyed.

"How long do you think you're going to be mad at me?" She questions with a sigh.

"I don't know, how long do you think you're going to be making horrible decisions?" I snap.

"Look, Becca, you're right, bringing Sara back in the pit was in no way a smart idea. But it got my sister back and no matter what the risks or the costs, it got us Sara back and I think that is what really matters," she says.

I remain silent for awhile.

"I do not in any way approve of what you did, but I agree, we got Sara back," I say and offer her a small smile.

She returns it as we walk out of the elevator and head back to her place. As she pulls her keys out and begins to unlock the door, she glances at me with a curious glint in her eyes.

"So what's up with you and Roy?" She asks as we walk in.

"Yeah, what's up with you and Roy?" A voice asks and I turn to look at Sara.

This should be fun.


So there we go. Another chapter! Thanks for reading! I love you all! Sorry, I posted at night instead of in the morning. I had a hectic weekend and tbh I didn't even realize today was Monday till like halfway through the day! Again, I'm sorry! Hope you enjoyed! Also look forward to longer chapters, I am trying my best to lengthen them for you guys! Love you guys!

Don't Leave Me {Roy Harper}Where stories live. Discover now