Chapter 1

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"Lalaith!" There was a shout from behind my door. Huff.

"Get ready! I told Bilbo you'd be at his by tea, to deliver back that book I borrowed. Remember?"

Begrudgingly I slid out of the rocking chair, 'aving a nice nap I was.

Never the less though, I had to go; mother would have a hissy fit! Putting a cream cardigan over my red knee-length dress I sauntered out the door, in a better mood for I was going to see Bilbo!

"Bye!" I called over my shoulder after opening the round, blue door. Basking in the pinks and ambers of the sunset for a few seconds I hesitated there, before starting the trail of the winding paths and the climb of the Bag End hill.

Eventually, a little after the stars had come out I arrived at Bilbo's hobbit hole- yet I heard voices inside.

'Hmm... who could possibly be 'round 'ere at this time?'

Knocking, I listened as the voices stopped, just as Bilbo opened the little, green, door.

"Lalaith! You're here! Uh, well, come in... Yes, yes... Do, uh, well come in!" It was obvious he was flustered due to the rambling and all, but, who are the people inside that could get him quite so worked up?

I stepped inside, and followed Bilbo. "I have the book that my mother borrowed." I claimed, opening my satchel and handing the book to him as we rounded the corner to the dinning room.

Looking up, my eyes widened as I took in a sight to behold for my lifetime. Thirteen dwarves where crowded 'round Bilbo's small mahogany table.

I blinked. And again. I'm sure I looked like a fish with my mouth opening and closing. I turned to Bilbo, then back the the dwarves who now donned amused expressions. Well. Me and Bilbo had more to catch up on than I had originally thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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