Ch 9 / Her and Heaps of Lies

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                The Hephaestus cabin offered to take her in as an honouree member of their cabin but Chiron insisted she stayed at the big house, but said she could join the Hephaestus group for all their activities.

                I don’t care for her. She’s pretty, ish, and everyone seems to find her friendly enough, but no-one’s that perfect. She must be hiding a secret. And I’m going to find it. I’m going to find out something so terrible that Leo is going to send her packing, fast.

                Calypso, I couldn’t find anything! Today had been declared a holiday day because of the success of the quest and I was spending every spare minute in the camp library, looking through every book I could think of that might have just a scrap of information, anything.

                The two of them aren’t officially together but everyone says it’s obvious they have some kind of connection. I decided to go down to the forges to clear my head and have a word with my friend, Nyssa, one of Leo’s sisters.

                As I turned the corner past the climbing wall I bumped into Her. She smiled and said:

                “Oh I’m so sorry! You’re one of Demeter’s daughters, aren’t you? I saw at supper last night.” She smiled, “I hope we’ll be friends, it’s so strange being the new girl. The only people I really know at all are the guys from the Argo II.”

                Well new girl, we’re not going to be friends, so tough luck. Then my brain clicked into action and I knew what to say.

                “Oh yeah! You know Leo Valdez don’t you! He’s, like, the most popular guy at camp though, especially with the girls, you’ll have trouble getting anywhere near him with all the girls falling over him the way they do.”

                She frowned, looking confused.              

                “But,” I continue, “Just between you and me, we were as good as together before he went away on the quest. Everyone agrees he’s totally smitten with me. The other girls can stick away from my Leo.”        

                I winked and smiled as sweetly as I could before spinning on my heels and making my way back to the library, I had to get rid of her fast before she realised I’d just told the biggest pile of lies ever.

                It must be very late by now; my stomach grumbled loudly as I picked up yet another huge book and began to flick through. I scanned down the pages, stuff about Odysseus, he killed this monster, then this monster, then this monster, blaa blaa blaa. And then I saw it. That name I had been searching for all day! Calypso. 

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