Part 2

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After the men got well enough, the inn returned to its previous function, taking care of the sailors from nearby port and the occasional traveller. I stayed with Ollie and Corrine, helping in the kitchen. Big Dave, doctor White and father Timothy came to the inn for the warm meals as they had used to before, and aunt Corrine went out every evening carrying food for Connor. He came along occasionally, bringing wild hares he had caught in traps.

"Mary, dear, can you lend me a hand?" aunt Corrine was calling one evening. "It's getting quite late and I have my hands full. Be a dear and take the supper to Connor tonight!"

I was glad to go and leave the bunch of sailors getting drunk and bold behind.

It was not so late after all, although it was getting darker fast, as heavy rainclouds obscured the sun. I hurried down the path towards the old manor, but the rain has caught up with me just as I was crossing the bridge. I ran up the stairs towards the house and didn't bother waiting for someone to reply to my knocking. I was already wet anyway.

The house was empty though, and my call was answered only by a faint echo. I was about to start looking for Connor, when the door opened and there he was, soaking wet, the water dripping from his hair to his bare shoulders. A brief look of surprise was soon followed by a warm welcome.

"I am sorry, I did not expect visitors so soon," he looked slightly embarrassed, but then he noticed my wet clothes. "I will start the fire and bring you something dry to put on. Please, make yourself comfortable."

He left me in the kitchen, with the fire flickering brightly in the stove. I placed the food on the table and warmed my hands by the fire. Soon, Connor was back.

"I have put some dry clothes in the room across. You can look if you will find something you can change into," he looked slightly uncomfortable. "I am afraid they will be too large."

I smiled at him thankfully. "I am sure anything dry is good enough."

But of course he was right. In the end, I put on one of the shirts and a pair of linen trousers. There was a belt, but I had to tie it in a knot to hold the pants up. I looked ridiculous, but it was more comfortable than the skirt that was all soaked and muddy. I placed my clothes near the hearth to dry and went back to kitchen.

Connor has already set the table, with two bowls of the steaming stew and the bread cut into thick slices. He held the chair for me, then he sat down.

"I hope you do not mind eating in the kitchen. I do not like to use the dining room, it is so big and empty."

"Oh, we always eat in the kitchen. There's usually only time to grab something quick between serving the customers."

"You have plenty of time now. The rain will pass in an hour or so. You better stay until then, so that you do not catch a bad cold."

We ate in silence. After we finished, Connor got up to wash the dishes. I tried to object, but he only laughed.

"You cooked, I will wash up."

"How do you know I cooked?"

"Corrine never made such a good stew before..." Connor stopped, turning away. "I need to check up on a mare that is about to give birth, and then I will take you back to the inn," he said quietly.

"May I have a look too?" I asked.

He nodded and then ran up the stairs. He came back with a large leather cloak.

"It is still raining. You better put this on then."

We went to the stables. Most of the stalls were open, but there was a large box with the bottom half of the door closed. We went in. I inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of clean straw, fresh hay and the spicy odor of a horse. The mare approached us inquisitively. Connor stretched his hand to touch her head and murmured some quiet words. The mare snorted, sniffed my ear and turned back to Connor, nibbling at his cheek. He laughed quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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