Part 1: Badass with no real Reason

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OMG HI HI PEOPLE... SORRY FOR THE LOOOONNNGGG UPDATE... ANYWAYS i just wanna say a BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Kuroko Tetsuya!! Last Jan. 31. and happy valentines day!! hahahaa ok here goes..

Wakes up in the Morning rushes down,changed and ready to go ......

Mai: Ohayo Nii-Chan. yawns*

Haru: Ohayo.. Eat your breakfast you have practice today...

Mai: Look at the food* Nii-Chan!! can't we have something else for breakfast?? Why is it always mackerel?

Haru: stares*

Mai: UMMM nevermind nevermind nandemonai nandemonai!!!!

Haru: Looks back his plate and eats*

Mai: (seriously why can't we have something else how breakfast, oh don't forget about lunch and dinner.....) sigh*

The Nanase siblings finish up their food and walks on their way to school..

Mai: So Nii-chan what time will you guys be there in practice?? are you sure you guys sure ?? won't you guys have practice?? huh?? Nii-chan??

Haru: Oi!! karate chops her head* would you stop bugging me?? They said we would be there and so we will..

Mai: Okay...

Stops at Mai's school and the Nanase sibling part ways..

Mai: hums* Goes to her locker and grabs her things* (Wait why do I know my locker?? Oh wait.. I forgot that "Me" said like I'm being controlled or something.. Ehh go with the flow>>>)

While talking to herself she does not notice someone talking to her...

Kise: Oi,oi !! Maicchi.. Daishavou??

Mai: Huh?? Ekkk!! Kise-kun Gomenasai.. bows*

Kise: EHhhh... It's okay c'mon let's go we still have classes. and hurry up fan girls are gonna CHASE ME!!!

Mai: Hai.. ( just like always..)

Kise: Oh by the way let's check our grades I'm so sure your higher than me again..pouts like a child*

Mai: hahaaaa!! don't worry Kise-kun atleast your not dumb..

Kise: That's so mean Maicchi *pouts*

Mai: giggles* (Let's see I'm sure even in this world I have high grades huh??)

The two checks their grades and finds out that:

1. Akashi Seijuro

2. Nanase Mai

3. Midorima Shintarou

Kise: Ne Ne?? Maicchi see. see. look your rank two again as always sigh*

Mai: Huh? Kise-kun I can't see-- OHH... I see sigh* (why oh why can't I even be first?? like seriously? Even in the real world. Wait what?? oh wait looks at the board* oh it's true that I can't be First in here cause like it's Akashi PEOPLE AKASHI!! you know "I am absolute" "No one can defy me" whatsoever blah blah blah blah)

Kise: Oi Oi OOIII Mai-chan hello? helloooooo???

Mai: Oh Gomenasai gomenasai!!~~~ bows* I was just thinking about my grades in rea-- Ohhh nevermind.... Let's go.. *walks away*

Kise: Oookkay??. ( I wonder what she's thinking about ) *follows behind her*

The two enters their classroom suddenly fan-girls start to surround Kise..

Kise: Maicchi taskete!!!!

Mai: waves hand* bye bye!! gambate ne??

Kise: Maicchi!!!

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