Old Friends

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I sighed audibly when I read her message. Texting from Asgard is taboo on your phone bill.

Evelyn is the daughter of Thor, but also my best friend and cousin. I know we're not actually related, and so does she, but she has never let that bother her. We used to play together as kids when our fathers got together, but were separated once the wine started flying (Usually Thor's doing). A few years ago, which was the last time we had an actual conversation, we exchanged phone numbers so that we could talk to each other more than once every couple of years. We don't text much because it seems like she's always in Asgard.

I read over her text once more before I typed back

"What is it Evelyn?"

In what seemed like milliseconds, Evelyn had already replied. I didn't understand how she could type that fast.

"Okay so Maddi, you're never going to believe this but dad and I are coming back early from Asgard, and he wants to take me and you to go meet a couple of his 'old friends'!"

My heart skipped a beat. Old Friends. That couldn't mean... I quickly resumed our conversation.

"What do you mean by 'old friends'?"

Again, seconds later my phone beeped to life.

"Maddi, are you seriously that dense? THE AVENGERS! I know you've always wanted to meet them!"

I almost dropped my phone. My dad didn't exactly 'like' the Avengers. Heck, they threw him into the ground and nearly killed him, then sentenced him to a life in prison back in Asgard.

But I was a different story.

I LOVED the Avengers. I read about their stories in the newspapers and I even owned action figures (They're not dolls!). I've always wanted to meet them, but I was never able to because of my dad. But since Uncle Thor would be taking me, I might be able to see them!

"Hold on a second. I'm going to ask dad."

A quick response from Evelyn got my attention.

"Nononono you don't have to. Trust me."

I can't go anywhere without my dad's permission or else all of Niflheim would break lose.

I ran out of the room and stopped once I saw dad still sitting at the table. Next to him were two other people. A tall, male blonde and a girl about my height.


She looked at me and stated bashfully, "Sorry. I tried to tell you."

Thor ran up to me and squeezed me tight, lifting me off the ground, "Maddi! It's been so long! How has my favorite niece been doing?"

My father quickly stood up, "You're going to crush her! Thor put her down!"

Thor sighed and set me down carefully on the tile flooring. "I assume Maddi has filled you in on what we're doing?"

I nodded slowly and looked at my father who still looked worried. "I'll only go if my dad says yes."

All eyes in the room stared at him. He let out a small sigh and said, "You can go. On one condition. Thor, if anything happens to my daughter, you're as good as dead."

Thor nodded happily as though he wasn't just threatened by my father.

I looked at Evelyn and Thor, who both had huge smiles and puppy dog eyes. I sighed and let two simple words slip out of my mouth.

"I'm in."


Thank you again for the support I'm getting on this! I do love writing, and writing about the Avengers just makes it so much more fun for me! I hope to continue updating soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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