Teddy bear

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"Daddy, daddy! Can you buy for me, please?" Ash and Serena was walking down the street when they encountered a family. Their daughter was pointing at a teddy bear in a toy store

"Okay, wait a minute for daddy, ok?" The father walked in and bought her the teddy bear

"Thanks, daddy, You're the best!" The daughter hopped and kissed her dad's cheek

Ash and Serena were watching that. They both sniled happily from the scene.

"Wow, that's girl is so cute, don't you think, Ash?" Serena asked

"Yeah, what a happy family" Ash smiled

"I was talking about the girl, silly" Serena giggled

"Oh, haha, sorry." - Ash laughed nervously - "But not as cute as you" He mumbled

"What?" Serena heard what Ash just said, and this made her blushed

"No, nothing. Don't mind that" Ash also blushed

"Ashton Ketchum, are you hiding anything from me?" Serena smirked

"N-Nothing. I was talking about the teddy bear"

"Is it true, hmm?" Serena leaned in his face

"Y-Yeah, that teddy bear is as cute as you-" Ash stopped himself. He panicked and blushed bright red

"Ohhh, is that so?" Serena leaned in closer

"L-Look, I just messed up, ok? Can we get going-" Ash got cut from a kiss in the cheek from Serena

"You look cute when you panicked, I love it" Serena smiled

"Okay, whatever you say. Shall we go now?" Ash blushed heavily

"Sure, my cute teddy bear" Serena giggled. She then laid her head on Ash's shoulder, acknowledged him as her teddy bear, or someone to comfort her

Ok, this is a bit trashy, that's because I'm running out of idea. Send me more and I'll take it if I can

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