meeting me

158 13 15

Storm Pov

My life will never be the same again. Just imagine waking up one morning laughing and joking with your family then in a blink of an eye you no longer have them. You no longer feel a smile wanting to come upon your face. That's my life every day from the moment I woke up from the hospital until now.

I look around at my so called new room. Its smaller then my last room but just a little bigger than a closet has what white walls and some of the paint is starting to pile off. I have no posters on my wall and my bed is on the floor.

"Storm get your ass up now and get ready for school and you better not be late again." my foster mother Trisha yells up the stairs.

What she doesn't know is I've been up for hours just staring at the wall think about my mom and dad. Every night I wake up because I have the same nightmare I watch as my parents get shot and I stand there frozen in place helpless. But I know they would want me to keep living if not for myself then for them.

As she said before my name is Storm I'm 5 feet even I have green eyes and hair that comes to a little pass my shoulder. I am 16 but I will be 17 next month on October 21. When my family was alive I was a happy person you could almost never see me not smiling. Now I never smile and I don't say a word which is how my foster mother gets away with beating me.

I roll out of bed hop and do my hygiene. As I look in the mirror all I see in my eyes is death and sadness. I no longer see the person I use to be. I put on my baggy clothes and head out the door for another day of misery.

My foster mother does not take me to school she said I don't deserve rides from her. So every day I have to walk alone almost ten blocks to get to school. I don't have any friends because no one wants to be friends with the girl who never says anything. But I found a job were all I have to do is wash dishes so I save up enough to get me a Galaxy s4 just so I can listen to music on the way to school so I want be to bored. I use to love to sing when my parents were alive it use to be one of my favorite things in the whole world. Now I can't even open my mouth to tell somebody that I'm getting abused by Trisha.

When I'm finished daydreaming about my old life I look up and realize I'm at school. I start to make my way into school when I bump into someone. When I look up I see that I just bumped into King I almost peed my pants right then and there. One time I seen him beat up a guy because he was staring at him to long I can only imagine what he will do to me.

"My bad ma I didn't see you way down there" He says while laughing

I just try and walk around him but he steps in my way.

"So your not gonna tell me your name." King says

I just shake my head no and try and move around him again this time he lets my pass as I'm walking down the hall I hear him so. Don't forget who I am I will find out your name before the end of the day. I don't even turn around I just keep my head down and head off to AP English.

King pov

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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