Chapter 1: Teen Wolf

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"Fine," I whispered and turned around catching up with them.

I gripped my touch listening to their conversation. "No, because I'm actually playing this year, in fact, I'm making first, line," Scott said as he trailed behind with me as Stiles rushed ahead.

"Hey, that's the spirit!" Stiles cheerfully said. "Everyone should have a dream,"

We continue walking wherever Stile's was taking us. "Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks as we dodge trees that are in front of us.

"Huh!" Stiles said. "I didn't even think about that,"

"And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" I ask.

"Also something I didn't think about," Stiles said.

We start to climb a hill, Stiles first, then I, then Scott.

"Uhh! It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention detail," Scott said as we were almost at the top of the hill.

"I know," Stiles sighs and Scott leant against the tree for a break.

"Maybe the severe of asthmatic should be holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott asks. He takes inhaler and finishes with it in minutes and puts in his pocket. I hand Scott my touch and smiles geartfully.

Stiles then gets to the ground as we had finally reached the top and the two of them held their flashlights shining the touch at the situation.

They instantly put it down as soon as we saw people. My eyes widen in fair. "Come on," Stiles said and we got up.

"Wait!" Scott calls but I ran off with Stiles my heart pounding as I clamber behind him making sure I didn't lose him. "wait up, Brooklyn! Stiles!" Scott hisses and started to catch up with us. We kept running through the bushes and didn't stop until Scott called out. "Stiles, Brooklyn!"

We slowed down and we turned around to where Scott was. We then looked ahead and saw a dog making us jump I squealed and jumped back holding on to Stiles's arm. My heart thumping against my chest.

"Hold it right there!" the officer yelled as I collapsed to the ground with Stiles. We tried to get up and run but somewhat we couldn't.

"Hang on, hang on!" a very familiar voice shouts. Stilinski. "These little delinquents are with me," Stilinski said. Stiles and I got up slowly said panting from the situation.

"Hey dad, how ya doing?" Stiles said guilty.

"Stilinski," I nod my head.

I heard Stilinski sigh. "Brooklyn," he mumbles. "So, do you, ah, listen to any of my phone calls?" Stilinski asks his son.

"No, heh," Stiles sighs. "Not the boring ones,"

"Now, where's your guys' usual partner? Brooklyn. Where's your twin," Stilinski asks.

"Scott?" Stiles asks. I actually do not know where he went either. "Sc-Scott's home,"

"What are you doing here then, Brooklyn? If he's home shouldn't you be too?" Stilinski questions raising an eyebrow.

"Stiles... wanted to show me something," I lied. It's not the first time I've lied to Stiles dad.

"Yeah, the great outdoors!" Stiles played along.

"At night?"

"Seems to what we are going with," Stiles hissed at me. I stepped back a little.

"Scott said he wanted a good night sleep, I couldn't sleep so here we are!" I laughed bitterly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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