My E-mails With God

Start from the beginning


Next morning I woke up happier than I had been since days, because I knew, for the first time in so many days that someone was looking out for me. I could not help but smile.


I looked up at the sky and said ‘what deal was it? Count me in!’



So you have accepted the deal? Without knowing what I have planned? Good girls don’t do that, but then again no girl sends an e-mail to me! So, my deal- As you asked me to guide you and help you, I will. But promise me not to question ‘why’ ever. I will be there for you whenever you need me, but my only rule is that you will trust me and have faith in me, do not ask me why.

Even though you said that you have already agreed, I am still giving you a chance to back out.

Fine with you, dear?

- Your heavenly friend


I smiled at the screen and nodded but the smile faded as soon as my eyes landed on the piano. My fingers itched to play. My soul longed to create music. The passion that overcomes when you play, I longed for that passion, I yearned to play. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and looked down to see that my friend had sent me a new mail.



Please don’t be upset. Whatever I do, I do for good. Go and play. Try, it’s going to be hard at first but you are not ordinary. Fight back like you always do and most of all, have faith in me.


-your heavenly friend’


I asked Him for the power and the patience, and started to play. It was even harder than the first time I had played when I was 6, but I was not going to give up, not when God was with me, literally.  

I tried once, I failed.

I tried twice and I failed.

I tried again and again and I failed again and again.

And so I tried every day.

There were days I would give up, there were days when I was too depressed to play, but then that friend of mine, always helped me and made me smile. I blindly did as I was told, I trusted him.

And then one day, I played the Lord’s Prayer without any difficulty. My happiness knew no bounds and within seconds, my entire life had changed, again.

And life went on; my heavenly friend was with me when I was low, when I was not able to play the piano through everything. He e-mailed me whenever I needed him.

There were times when I was treated differently, when I was looked at with pity, like I was something fragile and made of glass. That was what I hated the most. I wanted a normal life but I was constantly reminded of my handicap, no one let me be normal again.  He told me that it would me make me strong. I did not know how, but I believed him.


Hey friend,

Don’t you have a name?

What happens when we die? Is it true that our souls go to hell or heaven as per our deeds?

Why did you make us, humans? Do angels exist?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2012 ⏰

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