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The dark cloudy skies that engulfed most of  North India during the season appeared threatening as it prepared to spill the darkest of its secrets. The black SUV that departed the Raizada Mansion in the wee hours of the morning was nearing its destination when tiny droplets cascaded down its smooth glass pane. Secured by her seat-belt, the passenger was trailing a rain droplet as it swiftly coalesced into another. Anjali had been preoccupied with various thoughts throughout the entire drive to Muktsar. Leaving the RM was risky business and if the slightest mistake tipped her overprotective-brother off, the consequences are a path that she refused to walk down on. A faint gleam of happiness was evident on her face when she received a message from her recipient awaiting her arrival on the other end of the journey. However, the occasional text did nothing to alleviate her guilt.

She was guilty; guilty that Arnav knew nothing about her whereabouts, guilty that she had lied to everyone at RM, guilty that she is embarking on this journey when it has not even been one month since the tragedy that costed Payal's and Khushi's lives. Arnav had hastily decided to take up on a business trip to America after all the funeral rites were done with. While he attempted to cover his grief by evading the country, everyone at home were mourning the death of their loved ones in different ways, including Anjali. The events at home were fast-paced and she wanted out of RM to be with the love of her life. There was only so much a pregnant woman could take and as selfish as that may sound, Khushi's and Payal's departure only justified her resolution to be with the man she loves. Although in this case, only for the worse. It was not long before Anjali realized that they are almost near the place where the plan was set in motion. She directed the driver as per instructions. 

The location of the hotel-bungalow was breathtaking. Even though the bungalow was supposedly a popular tourist spot, it appeared vacant for the most-part. Moreover, the monsoonal season was not the most favorable season for an outing. Nevertheless, the site was still very beautiful and she did not mind a little bit of privacy.Clutching onto her purse, she drew a long breath of sigh praying to god that nothing goes wrong over the time span of the next two-weeks.

Amidst the parting formalities, Anjali did not miss the look of concern on the family driver's face as he reversed the vehicle outside of the premises. "Please take care Anjali Ma'am" he had said before driving down the same secluded road. Thanks to the evening fog, it did not take much time before the vehicle was out of her sight. Countless times throughout the journey she toyed with the idea of bribing the driver to not reveal her last minute change in the planned destination. But doing so would not only insult the father-like figure that had served her family for the past 15 years but also because she knew that no amount of money could challenge Arnav's persistence in getting the answers he need. She would not be the least bit surprised if Arnav were to force the words right out of the poor driver's throat giving zero regards to his old age. She had one job, and that was to ensure that nothing goes wrong on her part. Stuck in contemplation, Anjali barely noticed the stranger advancing towards her until a familiar voice broke her concentration.

"Ready for your honeymoon Anjali Ma'am?"

A strong arm snaked around Anjali's waist as the luggage handle slipped away from her weak fingers. She stood rooted to the spot, but on the inside her heart was racing a million miles per second. Although it has been her decision from the beginning, it was now she began to realize the gravity of the situation. An epiphany, it was. Here she was cradled in the arms of the only man she has ever known, fighting with a very stable part of her conscience that reminded her she had a family that she owe to. A family that has lost a very valuable part of it not too long ago. The guilt was eating her away and that was the exact moment she knew she had not done good by her family. Her mistakes only ended up making her more vulnerable as she relaxed her weak body into her husband's embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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