Important message

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Hello! How are you all doing? The last time I posted a message for you all to see I told you I was sorry for not creating covers for all the requests! Well, I still am very sorry and try my ultimate best.

But, I have yet to face another problem.

I am really tired all of the time. My head is definately not 'in the game' if you know what I'm saying (HSM ref hahaha)

But I thought: Why not tell them? They are waiting for updates and covers!!

I am constantly tired when I come home and do nothing else then Go to school, work, write, go to sleep etc. I don't feel like doing anything, everyday. It's like I'm constantly bored, but 'bored' is not the right word.

I am trying to find some motivation for all of you that are STILL waiting for a cover. I have messaged a lot of you saying I was busy all the time with school and finals (and that is true!) But I am not feeling 100% these days. I'm not depressed or anything, I can't really explain. UGHH I hate this.

Thought I'd let y'all know, because it's taking all of me to answere you all in one go. Then I'm tired again. Then I sleep again.. I have gone to the doctor's :/

I hope I can figure this out myself. I AM NOT PUTTING THIS BOOK ON HOLD! Never!

But yeahhh Feels good to get that off of my chest. ❤❤

Expect some new covers this weekend! I am trying!! So sorry, I'm just not all right that's all haha

(Btw, I was asked to participate in the ambassador program ;) This is not to brag or something. I just wanted to let you know that my training will start somewhere in the beginning of May/April. Thrilled for that hihi )

Xxxx claire out! I love you😊

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