Fandango - "Did I drink too much again?"

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You wake up in Curtis' bed with a massive headache. Fluttering your eyes open softly, to adjust them to the light, you find him sitting on the side of the bed, smiling down at you.

"Did I drink too much again?" You mumble, your voice rough, as you rub your eyes.

"Uh, do I really need to answer that or..." He replies softly, but you cut him off, knowing where he was going with this.

"Okay, okay. Stupid question, I get it. Yes, the headache and soreness I'm feeling answer that question." You wave him off, as he stifles a laugh.

"(y/n), go take a shower. I'll get you a clean t-shirt and some sweatpants." He informs, still smiling, as he stands up from the bed.

"What? No food?" You pout as you finally sit up.

"Aaaand... I'll make you breakfast." He chuckles, and you smile widely at him.

"Have I told you I love you?" You whisper, beaming. You got lucky with this one.

"Not today, you haven't." He fake sad-smiles.

"Okay, then I love you soooooo much." You whisper-shout, because your head wasn't cooperating yet, first you needed a shower and food.

"I love you too." He replies gently, caressing your cheek. "Now, shower!" He smiles, and you smile back before pouting again. "What?"

"What what?" You respond childishly, still pouting.

"What's with the pout?" He asks curiously, pointing to your lips. You point to your own lips before mumbling 'kiss' a couple of times, making him chuckle. "You want a kiss?"

"Not one... many, many kisses." You mumble, somehow managing to keep the pout on, and not break down in laughs.

"You'll get one now..." He informs, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. "And many, many more after you take a shower."

"Not fair!"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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