Dinger Holfield - Valentines Day

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This was requested by someone on instagram! Instagram: hunnyhaim
I hope you guys like it!

I walked through the doors of my high school, bracing myself to see all the couples and balloons floating around the hallways.

I threw my hoodie over my head to hide the fact that I didn't have have balloons, presents, teddy bears, flowers, or a valentine, which it seemed everyone had, but me.

I walked to my locker to find this kid that I've never seen before standing there. He had dark, long greasy hair. "Here." The boy said briefly as he walked away. I stood in his tracks, confusion plastered on my face.

I skeptically opened the crumbled piece of paper to find three words penciled onto it.

"You are beautiful."

My nose scrunched up as I read the words. "What's this for?" I thought, convinced it was a prank. I opened my locker and threw in the balled up paper, to find another one flutter to the floor.

I picked it up and it read,

"Your smile brights up this dull school."

I cracked a smile, my heart melting into those seven simple words. I grabbed my books and headed to my first period. On my desk was another note,

"I want to take you out tonight."

I looked around the room curiously, who were all these from? Do I actually have a secret admirer? ME?? I saw a group of kids in the back of the classroom staring at me, smiles creeping onto their faces. When they saw me looking, their heads jerked in the opposite direction and they scattered to their seats.

I sunk into my chair, geometry. I hated it more than I hated Valentine's Day.

I slowly turned my head to the boy next to me, I had been crushing on him for the longest time. We had never spoke, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know I existed.


He had wonderful reddish locks and the cutest puppy dog eyes. He always knew how to make the class laugh with just a facial expression. He glanced at me and I looked away quickly, hoping he didn't catch me staring.

I felt his eyes studying me, my heart raced a mile a minute as I tried to act as normal as possible, although I've never felt and probably looked so awkward.

"Psst, hey!"

He whispered quite loudly. He handed me a note that said to meet him after class. I nodded at him and focused on the white board. Was the the one sending all of these notes? Noo, it couldn't be.

I couldn't even pay attention to the lesson anymore, I wanted to compare the handwriting on all the little notes. I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom, I quickly walked out and rushed to my locker.

In a hurry, I opened the combination and pulled out the first two that I had received. I laid them all out on my palm, the handwriting looked the same. Were these all from Dinger? Or maybe he was just the messager?

"Hello hunny."

I jumped, startled.

"Oh hey Dinger."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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