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After shopping for hours with Maya and Amy, we went to get some food. We were currently in my jeep, Amy and I were trying to pick which place would be good to eat at I wanted to go to a restaurant, Amy wanted to go to a fast food place called 'The Beanie.'

"They have really good onion rings, they give you a lot and they are huge," Amy said for the fifth time. She literally wanted to go somewhere for the onion rings. She tried to show us how big there were with her hands, making a circle with both her hands and grinning at us from the backseat. "Heart, do you realize how greasy onion rings are? Not only that but there not the best for you." I tried to tell her, Amy's grin died a little and her hands went down and she slumped into the back seat dramatically. Letting out a huge sad sigh, and looking out the window sadly with longing.

"How about we go to a restaurant, I'll pay for you," I said trying to reason with her. "I don't need you to pay for me, I have my own money." She said in a sad tone and huffed at me. I was trying not to look at her, because if there's anything that Amy can do it makes you feel bad for her. She only used her gift to get food out of people. I glanced at Maya who was just glancing at Amy and I trying to figure out what would happen next.

"Fine," I said, turning the car back on and backing out of the parking lot to drive to 'The Beanie' when I was backed out enough I put the car into drive, I glanced at Amy to see her in a happier mode. "You should be so grateful for me," I said to her, Amy clapped her hands in excitement and tried to high five Maya I let out a laugh at how confused Maya looked, I don't think she's ever had a high five in her life. I looked back at the road ahead of me. "Maya is from a different country, she doesn't know what that means," I said with another laugh.

"Oh," Amy said, and she preceded to show Maya how to high five. After a couple of minutes when I was at a stop light, I felt Amy wrap her arms around me, scaring me a bit before saying "Thank you so much, You are just going to love it."

"Woah! I never said I was going to eat here too." I tried to get out of this, I didn't need any more carbs on me. "Everyone needs a cheat day." Amy replied simply, She wasn't going to let me out of this. I have to eat the onion. Or..

"Onions give me rashes."

"No, they don't"

"Yes, they do. When I was a little girl, this guy dressed up as an onion and chased me around a park."

"What does that have to do with getting rashes?"

"Nothing. I just don't want to eat any onions." I said with a small smile on my face as we pulled into 'The Beanie' parking lot. I parked the car, because I figured Amy would rather sit inside, and I don't think I want anyone eating in my jeep, I had just gotten it cleaned, after what Devin did two weeks ago.

Amy and Maya got out of the jeep, and Amy was pretty much pulling us towards the door. She really loves this place, I locked my jeep doors, when we were closer to the door. "I'll get us a booth." She said running in dragging Maya in with her. Maya didn't seem to mind, I walking after them when my phone begin to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my mom calling me. She's probably just checking up and me. 

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