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*General POV*

Tyler was in his basement playing his piano trying to figure out the chords to his new song.

Chloe opened the basement door just a little and listened in. She was always fascinated about how skilled Tyler is she walked down the stairs and strolled on over to Tyler and sat down next to him.

"Still trying to figure out the chords?" she said playing a simple melody he nodded his head

"Yup it's been 3 days and I still can't get this stupid chord!" he banged on the piano and got up off the seat.

Chloe and Tyler both suffer from depression it seems to run in the family so they stick together....Tyler's only a year older then Chloe but he's very protective of her.

"Tyler..." she started she grabbed the paper with the lyrics and started to sing Save.

A song she wrote alone in her room she was singing it quietly and to herself Tyler was in the corner of the room with his head between his knees and when he heard her his eyes grew wide.

He had put that song on one of his albums but he sang it and she wrote it, it was a song that meant a lot to the both of them.

He's never heard her sing before Zack came flying down the stairs and told them that dinner was ready Tyler went up but Chloe hasn't eaten for days her wrists and thighs are destroyed and she refuses to go to school.

Tyler isn't this bad in fact Chloe's the one who helped him get a bit better he writes songs to express how he feels. Tyler ran up the stairs and grabbed a plate of food

Tyler's mom started talking to him "Where's Chloe?" she said looking around the table "Oh uh she ate my sandwich so she's not hungry" Tyler said so his mom wouldn't worry about Chloe.

Chloe only has two friends which is enough for her...

*doorbell rings*

Tyler ran to go open the door because he knew it was the guys in his band.

They were coming over to rehearse, their band "Twenty One Pilots" were playing at local cafés and festivals in Columbus Ohio and Chloe went to every single one of them to cheer her brother on.

They headed down to the basement and worked on some songs Chloe sat in the corner and listened she didn't bother to get to know any of the members.

They just finished recording their album its a self titled album but it was so good in her eyes, she sat in the corner doodling in her drawing book and Tyler came and sat down next to her.

He took a look at the drawing and gasped "C-Chloe can we use this for our album cover?!" he said showing the guys in the band they all nodded and asked her she grinned

"Seriously?!" she stood up hugging all of them "Thank you!!"

The guys released the album in the next couple days and booked a bunch of gigs to play.

Chloe is and always will be proud of Tyler no matter what he does. She sat in her room on the bed and smiled while listening to Panic! At the Disco but then something disturbed her 5 minutes of happiness. She looked in her mirror and there stood a black figure smiling at her

He smiled... she knew that smile she hated that smile.

She turned away from him but he came to the other side of the bed to look at her he started speaking

"Oh you can't be happy Chloe your a miserable disgusting no good looking person you don't deserve to be happy"

She started to cry "No go away please " she begged quietly hoping no one would hear He just smiled again

she started screaming "TYLER TYLER HELP PLEASE PLEASE" she begged he came running in to see her tucked in bed crying her face was all red.

He rushed to her side "He was there again" she managed to say in between sobs Tyler climbed into bed with her and held onto her "As long as we both have each other he won't appear okay?" she nodded and they both drifted off into a deep sleep not knowing that he was there all along

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