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"Shelby wake up it's birthday day!" "ok daddy." I remember that day like the back of my hand it was the last birthday i spent with my dad. Our birthdays were a few days apart so we celebrated together. It was so much fun. A few days later my mother kicked him out. three years later he shows up on our door step painfully thin and on(cloud nine) he asks my mother where i'm at, she tells him i'm in the shower. He walks into the bathroom and i don't recognize him. All hell breaks loose I start screaming at the top of my lungs, grab the towel and wrap it around me and start punching him. He ends up on the bathroom floor and I run to my room throw some clothes on and come back on the phone with  911.My mom grabs the phone and tells the operator what happen after a lot of explaining and a visit from the police. I start crying and run into his arms i would not let go of him. I barely let him leave to go back to the shelter where he stayed, i only let him go after he promised to come back next week.

 "Shelby! are you coming with that last box?!" my mom yelled for me snapping me back to the present.  "Yes Ma'am"  I replied walking toward the front door. I take the last box to the car and get in. I look back on the trailer park I grew up in for the last time as my step dad drives away.

We get to the "New" trailer or new to us at least and start to unload the car. I'm hopeing things will be better here than  at the old place     

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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