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HELLO AND WELCOME BACK TO OUR BOOK TACO CATS!!!! YOU ARE NOW TACO CATS!!!!! Hope you like this chappy I'll let you read...

It's been a few minutes and nothing has happened yet. I felt a pain in my head and I fell backwards. I felt warm arms pick me up. Then I lost consense.

I woke up feeling warm. I opened my eyes to see I was in a room, most likely a boys. I could tell by the boxers in the hamper. I sat up to see a dog in the doorway. It was smiling at me! I convinced myself that this was God's sick way to punish me.

I heard footsteps in what I assumed was a hallway. Then I saw him. I got up and backed into a corner, fear in my eyes. I realized I didn't have anything of my own. I didn't have my revolver or even my own clothes. Instead of my usual blood-stained clothes, I was in a beautiful dress. My first. I was dead meat, but then why did he bring me here?

I was more scared than ever. I crouched down into a small ball, so some of my major hits spots were covered.

"Wow, for a killer, you sure are pretty" I heard his voice quiet and calming. I look up, not knowing I was crying in fear.

"W-what?" I questioned him. I was never around friendly people let alone called pretty. He knelt down and wiped my tears. His touch was so warm. Soon enough I was calmed down.

"You're n-not going to kill me?" I asked afraid.

"Nope, by the way do you have a home?" he asked. I shook my head. I ran away from home when I was 11.

"Then you can stay here. I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind" he said.


Awww they're warming up to each other, sort of, idk. Hope you're liking the story so far taco cats. I'm gonna try and give you a chapter whenever I can. Hope you enjoyed this! Bye-Bye X3  

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