Pull Ups- Claud

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- - - - - -  - - - - - -  - - -  - - - - -  -- - - - -  -> Timothy at the Pull up Bar ;)

Soft. Demanding, urgent...but soft. they caress my own lips carefully, as if scared that i might shatter under their touch. i know my body screams out to pull him close and to forget everything and anything that my father's told me about his family...but my brain scolds me angrily before forcing my hands to shove him away roughly. 

his fairly small body stumbles over one of my recklessly discarded shoes before falling to the hardwood floor with a firm thump. his innocent eyes stare up at me pleadingly. ailently begging me to stay. as much as i wanted nothing more than to kneel and pulls him into my embrace however, i found myself shoving on my shoes and walking towards the door.

Becoming Alpha was no where in my future plans. i wanted to leave that job to Claudius; my eldest brother. he was the one who i strongly believed would make the best leader for our generation of wolves. however, becoming the omega...definatly wasn't on my plans either. i were to allow myself to create a bond with Timothy, i'd be practically shoving my way down to the bottom of the food chain. 

"Claud please!" i hear him beg, still on the floor.

"what do you want from me?" i find myself growling. my eyes focus on him and he flinches back slightly.

Funy, i was always taught that Vampires were the dominants. never  to show any emotion and all that jazz. Timothy was nothing like the vampires my Father used to tell me about back when i was a small boy. He described them as defiant bullies that wanted nothing but power and blood.

he seemed more like the type my mother used to tell tales about. the ones that were no threat at all. the ones that wanted only affection and acceptance. my parents had different views on almost everything. my Father was strict and sure while my mother seemed to hold love for anything and everything living. 

"I...Claud I...i don't...want anything it's just...you can't leave me. please!" he stutters, his eyes gloazing over with unshed tears.

"your kind...they want nothing but blood and power." i find myself whispering. almost trying to convince myself that it's true.

"No...Claud no that isn't true! i promise...i swear that isn't true!" he wails through his ragged breathes. the tears finally over flow and they trail down his cheeks in waterfalls. " I'm not...I'd never...no!"

i find myself stepping away form the door and slowly kneel in front of him. he trains his eyes on me before sniffling and whimpering softly.

"Then what? if you ren't like that then what are you like? how do i know you're telling the truth?"

"L-let me show you Claud. stay and let me prove to you that I'm truly not like that." he begs and curls his small hands around my shirt.

"And if i decide that you are like what i've been taught to believe?" i ask in a whisper.

"Then...then you can leave. or better yet, i'll leave! i'll go away and you'll never hear form me again. just let me prove to you that I'm not a monster." he pleads.

"a month." i whisper finally making up my mind.

"What?" he asks in confusion.

"you have a month to prove yourself." i declare before prying his small fingers off and standing.

"Claud?" his voice is small, as if he's afraid of what i'll do if he speaks too loudly.

"Yeah?" i ask and turn.

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